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Key Details of Total Copier

  • Simplify file transfer operations.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 7 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Simplify file transfer operations.
If you want the most advanced data copier software, look no further but at Total Copier for Windows, which is the best file transfer optimizer in the market. The Total Copier is super fast in the transfer of files thanks to its buffer management technology that offers fast copy & move operations.You don't have to struggle to try to save time when you have lots of files to transfer or work on, Total Copier does the work for you. Gone are the days when you wait for hours to complete several tasks, Total Copier solution handles all the tasks you need to be worked on as a Pro!You don't have to look for easy ways around tasks, we have already catered to that need for you. To help you see what you will be having by your side, here is why you should choose Total Copier Solutions.It is easy to use.It has a simple yet sleek user interface.It has super fast speed support.It offers shell integration.Among its best features, it has a unique feature call Multi-Clipboard.Its operations are Multi-threaded to make it super fast.The unique features that available only to Total Copier include:1) Auto resume for interrupted Job2) Add To Pending List3) Multi-Clipboard4) Multi-Threaded5) Smart Buffer Management System6) Smart Free Space Checker7) Advance File collision Management System8) Advanced Error Recovery9) Enable Nano Tiny Window

Highlights:=> Auto resume for interrupted Job:Total Copier software allows you to resume an incomplete task without pressing any key or any operation on the device.It is an automatic process that helps an interrupted job to resume from where it stopped.This advanced feature relieves the user of the stress of starting the work all over again.The beauty about Total Copier is that it records completed and uncompleted files, and if your computer crashes or lights go off, the operation is saved, and it will resume without interruptions.=> Multi-ClipboardThis is an advanced feature that you can use for Total Copier. Ideally, a Windows OS holds one data in the clipboard,butwhen you use the Multi-clipboard feature of Total Copier, you can hold up to nine different clipboard data simultaneously,and paste all these nine clipboard data separately to nine different paths or in just one path.=>Add To Pending ListAdd to pending list is another additional feature that helps you move a job or add a running job to a pending list and that is not the best part, you can also resume it any time you want to.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 8
Additional Requirements
.NET 3.5
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