Allows you to upload and manage files, edit and create entries with the ExpressionEngine CMS.
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Allows you to upload and manage files, edit and create entries with the ExpressionEngine CMS.
iExpression is a dedicated application integrated with the popular ExpressionEngine CMS (Content Management System). Supporting all of the standard EE fields iExpression allows you to upload and manage files, edit and create entries (regardless of whether or not they were created in iExpression, or using ExpressionEngines web interface). With a powerful rich-text editor, drag and drop file management and full iCloud support synchronising your content seamlessly between your various machines, iExpression brings native EE management to your desktop. Key features include: - Rich text editor, with plain text support if needed - Drag and drop file management including uploads and downloads and search - Custom Smart Channels built from easily defined criteria filter every entry on your site into a virtual channel - Module level compatibility with its iExpression for iOS sibling (cross platform iCloud syncing coming soon)- Full support for Ellis Lab's Multi-Site Manager (MSM)