Key Details of Google Transliteration Service

  • Use Google Transliteration for text boxes in all websites.
  • Last updated on February 29, 2024
  • There have been 7 updates
  • Also available on
The Download Now link will prompt a local download of the Google Chrome extension. To install the extension directly, open the file using your Chrome browser.

Editors' Review staff

Google's free Chrome browser may trail IE and Firefox in popularity, but the many open-source modules and enhancements available for Google software make for some interesting extensions. Take Google Transliteration Service, a free add-on that transliterates Roman alphabetical characters into one of a number of different language systems, including Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Persian, and other languages spoken in East Asia. It doesn't translate text; it transliterates it, which means it changes it to its phonetic equivalent in the selected language, translating only the sounds of letters and words, not their meaning. It lets users enter text in their own language from any English-language keyboard on any Web site via Chrome.

Google Transliteration Service downloads and installs easily, like all Google extensions; it doesn't even require you to restart Chrome, unlike some other free, open-source browsers we know. We clicked the Wrench icon on Chrome's toolbar, selected Tools/Extensions, and clicked on Google Transliteration Service's Options. These consisted of a drop-down menu for selecting one of 13 languages and a few checkboxes for stuff like configuring how the program's icon is displayed and setting a keyboard shortcut (the default is Ctrl + G). Using this app couldn't be simpler. On any text-entry area on any Web site, simply press the hotkey shortcut to enable transliteration. We browsed to Google, typed Ctrl + G, and a yellow bar appeared atop the Chrome border notifying us that transliteration was active. The program also placed an icon in the text entry field. We simply typed in our text string by the icon, and the English letters changed to phonetic characters in our selected language, Hindi. Next we tried Arabic and then a few others; each displayed text in its unique characters. Of course, we were typing English word with transliterated sounds, not actual Arabic or Punjabi words, but that's just what Google Transliteration Service is supposed to do, and what it did. To exit transliteration, we simply typed Ctrl + G again.

Google Transliteration Service is another example of what developers and users can do with Chrome. For those who can make use of it, it certainly adds a useful capability.

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Full Specifications

December 24, 2009
Latest update
February 29, 2024
Operating System
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows NT
  • Windows ME
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
Additional Requirements
Google Chrome Beta Channel
Total Downloads
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Developer's Description

Use Google Transliteration for text boxes in all websites.

This extension allows users to use Google Transliteration on every text-box in all websites. Google Transliteration offers an option for converting Roman characters to their phonetic equivalent in your language. Note that this is not the same as translation -- it is the sound of the words that are converted from one alphabet to the other, not their meaning. By enabling it, you can type in your language using english keyboard on any website in chrome.

Usage Instructions - To use transliteration on a website, you can click on any text area and press the keyboard shortcut to enable transliteration. Use the same shortcut to disable it. When you enable transliteration, a small icon will appear inside the text-area indicating that transliteration is enabled. The default keyboard shortcut for toggling transliteration feature is 'ctrl+g', and it can be changed from the settings page. If you've enabled transliteration then you can type a word and hit space to get it in language of your choice. You can also edit your language from the settings page. Please check the screenshot for example usage.