Key Details of EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro

  • Build impressive logos with professional graphics editing tools for business
  • Last updated on 07/24/23
  • There has been 1 update within the past 6 months
  • The current version has 0 flags on VirusTotal badge_icon

Developer’s Description

Build impressive logos with professional graphics editing tools for business.
EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro helps you to create professionallogos while almost any type of website graphics or business graphics.It is bundled with over 5000+ supreme quality logo templates and 5000+vector graphics symbols gives you inspiration for designing logos. Youcan easily modify templates by changing texts, colors and shapes orapplying filters and effects. You do not need to have any priorexpertise in designing logos, while get an appealing and professionallogo in minutes!EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro is also a great vector graphicseditor program. It offers a full set of expert vector drawing toolsfor painting freely with your maximized design talent. It include tocreate versatile shapes like rectangles, arcs, polygons and stars, usepen tool to draw bezier paths and supports freehand drawing withpencil tool. Multi-line texts are enabled and can be edited in WYSIWYGinterface. And more, texts could be put on any paths which maybe addsmore diversity to logo design choices. These objects maybe filled withsolid colors, pattern, radial or linear gradients colors and theirborders may be stroked, both with adjustable transparency. Createdshapes can be further manipulated with transformations, such asmoving, rotating, scaling, and skewing. Exclusive Node tools give youthe ability for editing single or multiple paths and or theirassociated nodes. By which, you can create a unique logo for businessor personal use.EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro can import and export various fileformats, include SVG, AI, EPS, PDF, PS, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF. Outputlogos to different formats is effective but without any quality loss.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server
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