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Key Details of XenCare SoftLock

  • Lock your PC the same way you lock your house.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Lock your PC the same way you lock your house.

Are you looking for a software to lock your PC the same way you lock your house--keep the PC in read-only mode for program files, do not allow to install new program including ActiveX, exe or rootkit drivers, but allow data file modification, unlock PC while running installer with a simple mouse click--then XenCare Softlock is the tool you are looking for. If you are using your computer system in a harmful way which could be as simple as clicking on an e-mail attachment from a stranger or visiting unknown Web sites, XenCare SoftLock can lock your system and protect from ever-evolving threats not identified by conventional popular brands that depend heavily on threat-definition databases. XenCare SoftLock works on the basic principle "Prevention is better than cure." XenCare SoftLock is not a scanning tool. Basically, antivirus is something like getting a big wanted list of all bad guys from all law enforcement agency, and putting a guard inside your house telling him kick out anyone to get in my house from that list, no need to add lock on your front door, not to mention that bad guy can better equipped than the guard. Whereas, XenCare don't depend on the correctness of the list or effectiveness of the guard, rather than lock the front door, and unlock it when needed.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 10
Additional Requirements
Windows XP/Vista
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