Add menus and a toolbars with various web developer tools to Firefox.
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There have been 3 updates
Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
The Download Now link will prompt a local download of the Firefox extension. To install the extension directly, open the file using your Firefox browser.
Editors’ Review staff
The extension is actually a large collection of various tools for a Web master. Using Web Developer, you can get extensive information about page elements: link details, size, attributes, and colors. Web Developer can highlight any kind of elements (for instance, block-level ones and tables). You will even find a ruler utility to measure anything on a page. The add-on allows you to validate style sheets and HTML code of a page. Finally, you can use Web Developer to enhance the look of a poorly designed page. It lets you linearize a page, hide the background, and enforce large fonts. The extension installs a toolbar that accelerates access to the utilities. The extension will primarily interest Web masters but common surfers may use it for making pages more readable.
Firefox being the most W3C compliant browser out there, the developer toolbar enables development of CSS code without endless refreshing of the browser and the using up of bandwidth. I nice feature.
The thing is just plain useless if starting from code that is too non-compliant. It refuses to render any CSS in the browser window (while the debeloper bar is active), and no errors or prompts are generated as to give the developer a clue as to what is wrong.
One of my top 3 Firefox extensions
A must for web developers, information, image information, CSS and HTML editors, the list goes on! You have to try it to discover just how great it is. Even if your not a web developer it's handy as it has page info such as security certificates, links, forms and javascript errors! Resize your page, validate, view source, view cookies.
really helpful
great deal..!!
quantity over quality
Of the programs I tested, Eusing found 1307 problematic registry entries, Super Utilities 1320, Registry Boost 288, and WinASO 1232. So it has a very thorough reg cleaner (but is not as good at telling the user why the entries need to be deleted, or sorting those entries out). I liked some of the add-ons like file analyzer, which is a very simple but clever and useful tool.
This program is like a swiss-army knife--it does a lot of things, but none of them as well as more dedicated application. There are more than a few features here which are simply rebranded standard windows utilities. I also didn't like the fact it tried to access the internet (caught by my firewall) without asking me immediately after I installed it. Seems like a rather high price for what it is offering.
It's a dyamo!
Hawk Shango
This tool is very useful for web development. The latest version actually include a Javascript console, so you can debug javascript. Wish it had a VBScript and PHP debugger.
Redirect your download
Haven't tried it yet but looks good! The link here just gives you a useless txt file, but I found the real deal here:
<p>Hope this helps those of you who were victims of the same bad link I got!
Can't use it in it's present form!
I can't tell what I like, it is currently not usable, with a ".txt" extension. Firefox will not pick up this program.
Unless there are instructions to tell us how to convert this downloadable program into a usable form, it is a wasted effort to download it. The ".txt" extension will not help us any.
wrong extensions
when I download the extension, it is the IE Tab 1.0.9 extension, which was already installed, but no sign of the web Developer extension at all. And the file downloaded with a .txt extension added to the filename, which was weird. When the link is fixed then maybe the extension will be available and I can review it properly then.
Gotta Have It
I love every aspect of this extension. I downloaded, but didn't really expect it to do much for me. Man was I wrong. This extension puts so many tools at your fingertips that it can be overwhelming at first, but you quickly get use to the power it and flexibility it gives as a developer. If you do web development on any basis, get this extension.
Add menus and a toolbars with various web developer tools to Firefox.
Web developer toolbar includes various development tools such as window resizing, form and image debugging, links to page validation and optimization tools and much more.