Windows Apps for Calendar & Time Management Software
Top 3 Calendar & Time Management Software Apps for Windows
More Calendar & Time Management Software Apps for Windows
Efficient Reminder Free
FreeReceive reminders on appointments, meetings, holidays, and events.
WindowsEfficient Calendar Free
FreeArrange and track your appointments and events with cross-platform scheduler, planner, and reminder.
WindowsEfficient Address Book Free
FreeFree e-address book
WindowsEnvelope Printer
FreePrint and save envelope addressing information.
WindowsDesktop Calendar
FreeBe alerted of any events when you turn your computer on.
WindowsFree Address Book
FreeSoftware that opens a gate to the past
WindowsCook Timer
FreeSet a timer for your tasks.
WindowsDekart SIM Manager
Trial versionStop typing in information using the mobile phone's keypad.
WindowsiDailyDiary Free
FreeSecurely keep your personal journal
WindowsZune Software
FreeSync contents from a PC to a Zune device.
WindowsDesktop iCalendar Lite
FreeCreate and manage various events and to-do list on your desktop.
Trial versionManage your contacts, appointments, tasks, diaries, notes, and passwords in cross-platform PIM.
FreeStore your important data such as phone numbers and addresses.
WindowsMeeting Timer
FreeManage time during presentations, meetings and keep your speakers on track.
WindowsE-Z Contact Book
Trial versionStore and manage contact information, create appointments and reminders.
WindowsWindows 10 Mail and Calendar
FreeStay up to date on your email, manage your schedule and stay in touch with people.
WindowsVCF to CSV Converter
Trial versionExtract information on your contacts in VCF files and export to a CSV file.
WindowsAnyTime Organizer Deluxe
Trial versionManage your calendar, schedule, to-do lists, and address book contacts.
WindowsSS Birthday Reminder
Trial versionSet reminders for upcoming birthdays.
WindowsEfficient Address Book Free Portable
FreeManage your contact and customer information using cross-platform address book.
FreeSet timers for your meetings.
WindowsOneNote for Windows 10
FreeWindowsSmart Diary Suite Free
FreeKeep your personal information in one place.