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Key Details of Par-N-Rar

  • Repair PAR, PAR2, SFV, and MD5 file sets automatically and uncompress the resulting RAR file sets.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Editors’ Review staff

This invaluable repair and extraction tool for PAR and RAR suffers from one odd quirk. Par-N-Rar's simple, clean interface needs only a click or two to operate. Installing and setting options for this app is easily accomplished. Novice users can learn the program's features quickly with the single-page Help file.

Operating Par-N-Rar is a mere matter of choosing a directory and pressing a single button. During setup, users select a monitor directory. After first start, the app will check the monitored directory for RAR, PAR, PAR2, SFV, and MD5 at a user-set interval.

Pressing Go sets the app to begin scanning the directory and any subdirectory. The program's single problem occurs just before the scan. Pressing Go first displays a question dialog. The app asks users if they would like to verify files only, with a Yes or No option. Our testers found that the app would repair and extract no matter which button was pressed.

The scan, repair, and extraction process is very quick. Based on set options, the app places found files into the chosen directory and, if set, deletes original RAR files and blank directories.

System administrators responsible for large numbers of RAR files will find this tool's unattended operation invaluable. Any other user who deals with PAR or RAR files is still going to appreciate how well this freeware simplifies extracting monitored files.

What’s new in version 1.24

This version is the first release on CNET

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Full Specifications

Latest update
Operating System
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
Additional Requirements
Windows 2000/XP
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9 User Votes

Developer’s Description

Repair PAR, PAR2, SFV, and MD5 file sets automatically and uncompress the resulting RAR file sets.

Par-N-Rar is a graphical utility which accepts a directory as input and will repair/verify any PAR/PAR2/SFV/MD5 files in that directory. Once it verifies a set of files, it will attempt to unRAR them. Once it finishes unRARing a RAR archive, it will (optionally) remove the original PAR/RAR files.

Par-N-Rar has many options making it useful for usenet binaries. These features include the ability to extract to directories based on different criteria and, only rechecking files that have been changed or added, and the ability to remove PAR/RAR files when done. Par-N-Rar has a simple easy to use interface. This version is the first release on CNET

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