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Key Details of Natter's NYC School Calendar

  • Automatically add all the same useful information found in our best selling letter & wall-size calendars to your iPhone or iPad calendar. In...
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  • There have been 8 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Automatically add all the same useful information found in our best selling letter & wall-size calendars to your iPhone or iPad calendar. In...
Automatically add all the same useful information found in our best selling letter & wall-size calendars to your iPhone or iPad calendar. In addition to importing the calendar information into the iPhone calendar you can also view it from the app itselfFeatures- Purchase various calendars from with the app.- Calendar Purchases show in the app.- View Event details within the App for the purchased calendar also in iCal as well.- Ability to bookmark Events for easy reference.- Ability to view Event Details with notes.- Ability to upload image to event via calendar or gallery photo- Ability to share event details with others.- Calendar changes sync via Push NotificationsOfficial NYC school calendar information:first/last day of school, school holidays and vacations, each school week numbered, each school day numbered twice; from the first and last classroom day, faculty paydays, supervisors schedule, and more- All Federal and New York State legal holidays- Annual Presidential Proclamations - Official NYC Alternate Side Parking Suspension Calendar - Official NYS Education Department mandate: regents examination days, standardized exams- Important religious holidays of major faiths - Noteworthy days: cultural, educational, ethnic, patriotic- College placement exam days- Seasons, phases of the moon, monthly birthstone & flower & more - 13 months: September thru September; 3 months longer than the school year, for advance planning

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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