Key Details of Format Factory

  • Convert your videos, audios, and pictures to preferable file formats
  • Last updated on 08/18/20
  • There have been 3 updates within the past 6 months
  • The current version has 1 flag on VirusTotal badge_icon
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Editors' Review staff

If you look at its name, FormatFactory could mean a couple of different things but it is really what you think. This software helps you change formats of mainly multimedia files, and thanks to its user-friendly nature, everything becomes easier.

When it comes to features, Format Factory doesn't hold back. Video lovers will appreciate being able to switch up formats, trim clips, combine videos into one, and adjust quality. Music enthusiasts can convert their favorite tunes to different formats, mix them up, and even extract audio from CDs. 

Photographers or anyone dealing with images will find the conversion tools handy, especially with support for newer formats like WebP. Plus, there are nifty tools for rotating or flipping your photos. But that’s not all. Format Factory goes beyond basic conversion. Do you have a video that won’t play? It might be able to fix it. Worried about your storage space? It can help shrink file sizes. It even lets you rip content from CDs and DVDs, join PDFs, grab videos off the internet, and more.

Downloading and using Format Factory is very easy. Well, downloading is the same for every software you see everywhere, and when it comes to using it, you will find everything right in front of you and find your way easily. 

It’s free, which is great, but keep in mind it shows ads since that’s how it stays free. It's designed for Windows, so it's perfect for PC users looking to tidy up their digital media collection. It’s a comprehensive tool that helps you easily manage, fix, and convert your media files. 

Bottom Line

Convert your videos, audios, and pictures to preferable file formats. Format Factory is a known for working with a bunch of file types, whether it's videos (like MP4, AVI), audio (such as MP3, WAV), or images (JPG, PNG, and more). It's built so that anyone can get the hang of it quickly. This tool is made for Windows users. It's a solid pick for converting file types, making files smaller, fixing video issues, and a lot more.

What's new in version 5.4

  • Version 5.4: 1 Added ncm and KUX decoder 2 Fixed a bug of MIDI decoder 3 Improved
  • Video Clip GUI 4 Improved Video Joiner & Mux

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server
  • Windows 8
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Developer's Description

Convert your videos, audios, and pictures to preferable file formats.
Format Factory provides audio and video converter, clipper, joiner, spliter, mixer, crop and delogo. It also includes video player ,screen recorder, and video downloader.

Provides functions below: Video converter, clipper, joiner, spliter, muxer, crop and delogo. Audio converter, clipper, joiner, spliter, mixer. Picture files convertion and supports WebP,Heic. Rip BD,DVD to video file, Rip Music CD to audio file. PDF Joiner, PDF to TXT DOC Excel and image files. Supports Zip, RAR, 7z decompression. Screen Recorder. Download the file from the video site.