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Key Details of Flute Scales (for Flute and Piccolo)

  • Explore your flute or piccolo like never before - scales from around the world displayed in a manner easy for beginners and experts alike - quickly...
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  • There have been 3 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Flute Scales (for Flute and Piccolo) 0/1

Developer’s Description

Explore your flute or piccolo like never before - scales from around the world displayed in a manner easy for beginners and experts alike - quickly...
Explore your flute or piccolo like never before - scales from around the world displayed in a manner easy for beginners and experts alike - quickly displaying scales and finger diagrams on a single page, covering the range of the flute from fourth octave C to seventh octave F.* basic fingering diagrams for the modern Boehm system flute and piccolo (flute key of C)* Real flute sounds - Touch any fingering diagram to play the associated note* interval values shown next to each note in scale* all 12 keys for all scales* 63 Scales included:MajorMinor (Natural) Three SemitoneFour SemitoneSixth Harmonic Min ArabicAugmentedBalinese Bebop Half DimBebop MajorBebop Minor #1Bebop Minor #2Bebop Dominant BluesChinese Chromatic Diminished (HW) Diminished (WH)Diminished Whole ToneDouble HarmonicEgyptianEnigmaticFlamenco Half Dim #1(Locrian)Half Dim #2(Locrian 2)Harmonic MajorHarmonic Minor HinduHungarian Gypsy Hungarian MajorHungarian MinorIn Sen @IndianJapaneseJapanese HirajoshiJapanese Iwato Javanese Leading Whole Tone Locrian MajorLydianLydian Augmented Lydian Dominant Lydian Minor Marva (Indian)Melodic Minor (asc) Minor (Dorian)Mixolydian Dom 7th Mixolydian Aug Neapolitan Major Neapolitan Minor Oriental Pelog (Balinese)Pentatonic MajorPentatonic Minor PersianPhrygian Rock & RollRomanian Spanish 8 Tone Jewish/Spanish Todi (Indian)Ultra LocrianWhole Tone

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPad. iTunes account required.
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