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Key Details of Easylife IP Camera Interface

  • Enable IP camera streaming to be used with https services at CCTV & broadcast services
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 2 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Enable IP camera streaming to be used with https services at CCTV & broadcast services
This interface adapter allows you to connect up to 6 x IP Cameras to your broadcast & recording services at It allows you to monitor public and local cameras and re-broadcast them in a private or public way. It also allows you to mix and match cameras from just about anywhere in the world and monitor them all in one screen or re-broadcast them.You need to know the IP address of the camera. Add the IP address to the window of the interface. The IP address of your camera is normally allocated by your router. Run our network scanner to locate the IP address of your cameras connected to your local network. Using the adapter with easylife services converts low security http protocol cameras to HTTPS providing real-time authentication by the world renowned Comodo RSA Validation using SHA-256. The SHA-256 algorithm is commonly used on websites supporting the transfer of highly sensitive content such as credit card transactions. Easylife adds this level of security automatically.

With conventional IP cameras you need to open ports on routers due to Firewall settings. This then allows the camera to be accessed from the outside world. But it requires a full and complete understanding of router security issues and is not required when using easylife services. We make it simple to secure your IP cameras simply adding your IP cameras within easylife. You can achieve this using or our dedicated consoles. Viewing can be undertaken within any browser or using our series of apps IP Cameras normally have their username and password default to admin. Recent publicity has exposed this type of IP Camera operation as in-secure as the streams pass across the internet they can be intercepted. To maintain Comodo RSA Validation security you must connect your IP cameras within and then view your IP cameras anywhere in the world by accessing and logging in to your account or sharing your IP camera to our broadcast service at

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
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