Used YNAB Budget, Personal Finance for Android? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of YNAB Budget, Personal Finance
- YNAB will help you break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money.
- Last updated on
- There have been 4 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
YNAB will help you break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money. On average, new users save $600 in the first two months, and more than $6,000 in the first year. Try it free for 34 days.
Bank Syncing
Easily connect all your accounts in one place and import your transactions, so you always have up-to-date information.
Transaction Matching
Prefer to enter transactions yourself? You can! YNAB will match up imported transactions with those you enter yourself so your account balances are always accurate.
On the Go
Real-time access to all your budget data across multiple devices means you can budget with a partner and always have the info you need to make good spending decisions.
Goal Tracking
Go beyond an expense tracker. Set goals and immediately see when you'll be able to reach them.
Reporting Bliss
Detailed, visual spending and trend reports help you measure progress and improve.
Personal Support
Our friendly support team is available around the clock via email, live chat, and offer 100+ free, live budgeting workshops every week.
Youve Never Budgeted Like This Before
YNAB is unlike any personal finance app, expense tracker, or money management system youve tried before, because it is based on our proven methodYNABs Four Rules. The powerful combination of award-winning budget apps and our life-changing budgeting method means it actually works. Using YNAB, hundreds of thousands of people have learned how to get control of their finances, stop stressing, and live the life they want to live. You can be one of them!
A Proven MethodYNABs Four Rules
Rule One: Give Every Dollar A Job | Be intentional about what you want your money to do before you spend it. By tracking your expenses you will make better decisions.
Rule Two: Embrace Your True Expenses | More than just an expense tracker, YNAB can help you prepare for the future. Break up larger, less frequent expenses into smaller, more manageable amounts. By budgeting monthly for insurance premiums, holidays, or car repairs, when the time comes, your money is ready and waiting to do its job.
Rule Three: Roll With The Punches | When life changes, so must your budget. Make adjustments and move along. Flexible budgets succeed because theyre guilt-free, realistic, and sustainable. Good money management habits are ones you can stick with.
Rule Four: Age Your Money | As you repeat the first three rules, youll increase the time between the moment you earn a dollar and the moment you need to spend it. When your money is at least a month old, youll have finally broken the paycheck to paycheck cycle for good. Your personal finances will never feel the same again. In a good way.Free for 34 Days
We dont want your money unless you feel like YNAB is helping you gain control of yours. In fact, we offer a No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. At any point, if you dont feel like you have more control of your money with YNAB, well give you a full refund. No questions asked.
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