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Key Details of uvGO: Your Trips, Flight Planning, & Aviation Wx

  • With uvGO from Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 5 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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uvGO: Your Trips, Flight Planning, & Aviation Wx 0/1

Developer’s Description

With uvGO from Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc.
With uvGO from Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc. business aircraft operators can plan, build, and manage successful missions worldwide. Pilots, schedulers, dispatchers, and other flight department members have access to do-it-yourself (DIY) trip planning resources, as well as complete mission coordination through Universal. DIY MIssION PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. Trips: Create DIY trips and add legs to build itineraries. Access and edit DIY trips that other team members in your operation have created. Flight planning: Create, review, and file optimized flight plans for domestic, regional, and intercontinental routes. View routes plotted on an interactive map. Access advanced flight planning options, including runway analysis, weight and balance, ETOPS, FIR avoidance, and GPS RAIM prediction. Directly transfer flight plans between iPads via Bluetooth. Aviation weather: Review worldwide aviation weather and NOTAMs. View radar, satellite, TAFs, and METARs. View graphical weather. Overlay a flight plan route over graphical weather. Mission alerts: Receive automatic alerts for potential issues impacting your planned missions. View details on restrictions, runway closures, fuel shortages, CIQ changes, and more as soon as information is made available. UVair Fuel Program: Find any of the 5, 000+ UVair card-accepting locations worldwide. Review all-in fuel price estimates for Jet A/Jet A-1 based on your pre-negotiated discount rate. Make fueling arrangements and send fuel releases. Airports, FBOs, and ground services: Access information on worldwide airports, FBOs, caterers, ground transportation, hotels, and restaurants. Check airport satellite views and diagrams. View U. S. and Canada Customs contact information. Retain access to most these features when offline. Datalink and fleet status: View position detail information for every aircraft in your fleet on an interactive map. Review messages to and from the aircraft, and access message history. MIssION COORDINATION THROUGH UNIVERSAL. Trips: Send trips to Universal for coordination of government and third-party services including permits, slots, handling, catering, hotels, and more. Access trips that other team members in your operation have created and sent to Universal. Review, edit, and share: See status of all current service requests. Review permit information, service confirmations, and "next leg" information prior to departure. Make edits for resubmission to Universal as plans change. Download, view, share, and print operational briefing packages. OFFLINE CAPABILITIES. Access all of your mission-critical operational information including trips, briefing packages, flight plans, and cached NOTAMs, METARs, and TAFs. Perform quick "feasibility checks" based on great circle route calculations and access mission critical trip planning information including airport and FBO information. Make conversion calculations. Visit us at

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