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Key Details of Upgrade U (Early Access)
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- There have been 8 updates
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Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
Upgrade U is a complete App designed to help you study and MASTER the U.S. Coast Guard Deck Exams for ALL licenses.
!!! Study and Test anywhere you go!!! WITHOUT INTERNET!!!
Studying for exams takes a lot of TIME! Between school, work, family and social time with friends things start to fall through the cracks. Many available study aids are great, but tie you to a desk chair and take a lot of time planning as well as having a high upfront cost to you. The books necessary are heavy and not very convenient to haul around with you. DONT GET TIED DOWN STUDYING!
??? Have a moment to study??? Want to take a quick test while youre
* in the cab on the way to your ship?
* waiting on your instructor to show up to class?
* on the way to take your test? (Just not while driving!!)
Its always with you!! Studying for Exams has never been more convenient to incorporate into your every day life!
** University Studies and Psychological Scientists have proven that Practice Testing is one of two of the most effective ways to study!
~ APA, Association For Psychological Science ~
ALL the Coast Guard questions that can be asked on your exam
Majority of the solutions for Navigation and Stability problems (more are coming soon!)
Practice Tests to take over and over until you get it right!!!
The ability to print your own quizzes to simulate the exam room experience as well as anything else you would like to have printed
Create your own personalized quizzes or quiz categorize and subcategories of your choosing
All resources youd find in a Coast Guard Exam room
Tracks testing scores and stats showing where you are the strongest and weakest allowing you to focus on weaker areas
Each exam lists the minimum score required to pass
See the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly after each test
Upgrade U tracks the % of times a question is answered correctly, removing the question after answering it correctly a sufficient 5 times (90%), allowing you to study the questions you absolutely need, saving time!
Flash Cards displaying light diagrams
IMO Fire Plan symbols
Study tips for success available in extras tab
Upgrade U IS updated with the current Coast Guard question numbers and questions.
The questions and numbers on OTHER study software may not be updated so dont count on the numbers from other software when searching for a question in Upgrade U.
No Internet needed, great for studying on ships with no Internet!!
Links available for study supplies
Choose your license and you will ONLY see the questions on YOUR exam
Interface is not obnoxious or distracting allowing you to focus on the questions, as well as being VERY easy to navigate
Upgrade U is a tax write off for you Mariners!
KNOW how you are going to perform on tests BEFORE testing!
+ Engineering testing app coming VERY soon! Tell your friends!
+ Questions will be updated as the Coast Guard updates them
+ Updates to improve features, App performance and efficiency will frequently be released
+ Upcoming links to Unions, Schools and other organizations
** I took a 3 week course in a school for my upgrade but in no way I was ready to take the test, I studied with your app for few months and it was a great help.
** I've been showing everybody here your app and they love it. Most of the class is now using it along with several instructors.
** This app is everything you need to study for a license upgrade. My Murphys books sit untouched as I test over and over everywhere I go.
Please email ANY comments or suggestions to make this App everything WE need it to be!! ALSO, Please rate the App, so other Mariners will know how you liked the App! THANK YOU for your help!
!!! Its never too early to get started, UPGRADE U !!!
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