Used Tigrigna Bible with Audio, ASV, KJV,WEB- Qal Amlak for iOS? Share your experience and help other users.

Key Details of Tigrigna Bible with Audio, ASV, KJV,WEB- Qal Amlak

  • We bless the group of volunteers who created the electronic format by typing from the original printed Bible, and our appreciation to...
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  • There have been 9 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Tigrigna Bible with Audio, ASV, KJV,WEB- Qal Amlak 0/1

Developer’s Description

We bless the group of volunteers who created the electronic format by typing from the original printed Bible, and our appreciation to...
We bless the group of volunteers who created the electronic format by typing from the original printed Bible, and our appreciation to The English Bible translations ASV, KJV and WEB are in the public domain, God bless those who made it possible. We are grateful for the many groups of volunteers who work tirelessly to make the quality and accuracy of the app possible - BLEss YOU. Open app remotely. Send a link to your friends who have the app through Facebook, messages. Tigrigna://bible/John/3/16, or tigrigna://Joh. 3.16, tigrigna://43/3/16, qalamlak://1 Tim 2: 5/. FEATURES. AUDIO - FREE. Tigrigna, ASV, KJV, World English translations. Search in Geez or English. Chapter Notes: paste or type in Geez and/or Latin. Track Reading History. Copy up to 6 verses and share in your other apps. Share to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, SMS, Mail. (can be read on any device). Even use chapter Notes to to read text if you don't have fonts. For more info: visit (Living Word Gospel Ministry).

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iOS 16.4
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