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Key Details of Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay

  • Become SkullFace, an iconic slasher movie villain bent on slaughtering camp counsellors in this darkly comic sliding block puzzle game homage to...
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  • There have been 2 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay 0/2

Developer’s Description

Become SkullFace, an iconic slasher movie villain bent on slaughtering camp counsellors in this darkly comic sliding block puzzle game homage to...

Become SkullFace, an iconic slasher movie villain bent on slaughtering camp counsellors in this darkly comic sliding block puzzle game homage to 1980s horror movies.

A killer puzzle! 5/5 stars - Touch Arcade

An instant classic. 5/5" - Gamezebo

A smart and addictive puzzler youre going to absolutely love it. - Pocket Gamer

Brutally cute! Brilliant and funny drenched in good-humored gore. - Hardcore Gamer

From the makers of Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle, Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay is an award-winning diabolical puzzle game that also happens to be a bloody tribute to the VHS era of videotape horror! No one is safe no law enforcement enforces enough law and no animals or children are harmed in the summer horror blockbuster of 1984... Slayaway Camp!

Key Features:

10 hilariously gut-wrenching videotapes FULL of brain melting puzzles!

3 Bonus Challenging videotapes including the previously exclusive: Santas Slay!

Traps! Cops! SWAT teams! Land mines! Rotary telephones! Cats!

Enjoy high quality, massively entertaining ads... or purchase *anything* in the game to disable them all... FOREVER!

Test your mettle with the Faces of Killed minigame & earn tons of bonus Skull Coins!

Unlock multiple malevolent killers based on cult horror movie classics!

Unlock & enjoy dozens of spectacular Gorepack kill scenes featuring wood-chippers, lawn mowers, Sumerian demon incantations, and more!

Genuine synth-laden hair metal soundtrack by legendary Canadian band GN TRUNTION!

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