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Key Details of Shacharit

  • Shacharit is a collaborative application who lists the Shacharit minyanim of all countries. Feel free to insert your minyan or the ones you visit,...
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 3 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

Shacharit is a collaborative application who lists the Shacharit minyanim of all countries. Feel free to insert your minyan or the ones you visit,...
Shacharit is a collaborative application who lists the Shacharit minyanim of all countries. Feel free to insert your minyan or the ones you visit, your information may be useful to all of us. App allows several search mode Minyan, including 'Next' which researches the next Shacharit from today (after 10:00am, it takes the next day). You can also select a date of your choice and a radius adjustable from 3 to 100 km. It takes account of Rosh Chodesh, fast days or YomTov, that you were in Israel or not. To be more relevant, searches 'Around' and 'City' are limited to a radius of 100 km. App also contains:Shacharit, Mincha*, Maariv*, Shema al hamitah ,Birkat Hamazon*, Meen Shalosh*, Asher yatsar, morning blessings, Birkat Alevana,Birkat Aderech, Shevah Berachot, Hashkaba, Birkat Hahilanot. Morning blessings , Shema, 'Amidah, Shacharit, Mincha*, Maariv*, Birkat Hamazon*, Meen Shalosh*, Asher yatzar, , Kaddish, Birkat Alevana, Birkat hahilanot and a help for pronunciation.*Contextual Siddur available. Shacharit exists in French under the name of Chaharit. The version history and application instructions can be found there: Thanks:We use for Birkat Hamazon and Meen Shalosh localization tools KosherCocoa framework, written by Moshe Berman, from KosherJava of Eliyahu Hershfeld.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPhone 4. iTunes account required.
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