SEE Finance for Mac
- By Scimonoce Software
- Trial version
- User Rating
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Key Details of SEE Finance
- Track and monitor all your income and expenses quickly and easily.
- Last updated on
- There have been 9 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Editors’ Review
See Finance provides you with a single piece of software to track all of your essential financial information. You can track all of your accounts, create budgets, and monitor your finances at all times. The software can also connect directly to your bank accounts in order to track information in real time.
Powerful financial management: There is almost no element of your personal financial situation that you can't monitor and track with See Finance. It is an incredibly powerful program in that respect. If you have multiple accounts, debts, and payments that you have trouble tracking, you can roll them all into this single software solution and see all of your data aggregated in an easy to understand manner.
Direct connect: See Finance has the ability to connect directly to your accounts and import data into the software. The program warns you that some financial institutions may charge a fee for connecting in order to retrieve data in this manner, but the feature works very well.
Importing and exporting: The software has the ability to import financial data from other popular financial programs. It also exports smoothly, which is great if you need to share the data with someone such as a tax or financial professional.
No mobile components: Most major financial software now has some sort of accompanying mobile component. See Finance has yet to include any type of iOS integration with its program, which is a significant issue for some people. People like to have their data at their fingertips in the modern world, and have in fact come to expect it, so it's missed when a program has no mobile integration.
Bottom Line
If you like to do most of your financial planning from your desktop, then See Finance could be an excellent option. It is powerful, easy to use, and connects accurately to your existing accounts.
Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of See Finance for Mac
What’s new in version 2.1.6
SEE Finance for Mac
- By Scimonoce Software
- Trial version
- User Rating
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