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Key Details of Satellite Ham Radio (HamSat)

  • If you are having an issue with any of my apps PLEASE drop me an email at There are a number of people who have left comments...
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Satellite Ham Radio (HamS…
Satellite Ham Radio (HamSat) 0/1

Developer’s Description

If you are having an issue with any of my apps PLEASE drop me an email at There are a number of people who have left comments...
If you are having an issue with any of my apps PLEASE drop me an email at There are a number of people who have left comments about the app not working but have never contacted me about the issue. At this point there are no known issues for the application and it is working as it always has.HamSat is part of the Sat series of applications (ISS, HamSat and ProSat) and is a visualization/utility application that allows Ham Radio operators wanting to work the amateur ham radio satellites to see the location of the satellites in realtime over the Earth (up to two satellites may be tracked simultaneously). The application will calculate the rise/set times and associated azimuth and elevation for the selected ham radio satellite, the Sun or the Moon given either the user entered or network retrieved location.In addition, you can see the Earth rendered either as a 3D globe or a 2D map using photo realistic texture maps for the Earth model. The orientation of the map is easily changed by a simple rotation of the device from portrait (3D) to landscape (2D). In either orientation you can zoom in and out as well as pan using the touch screen. Controls are given to allow you to select: the texture maps used, whether shading is performed, whether to draw political boundaries and if a lat/lon grid should be presented.If you are interested in more than just the Amateur Radio satellites then please take a look at ProSat which has all of the features of HamSat but adds in a little more than 700+ additional satellites.--- Feedback Answers/Notes ---All,I think I've addressed all of the issues raised to date. As for enhancements, the next one in the pipeline is the ability to draw a given pass on a 2D az/el plot (think concentric circles that represent the different elevations for your location)Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!W0VOS

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPod Touch (3rd generation or later, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPad. iTunes account required.
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