Used Russian-English Dictionary for Android? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of Russian-English Dictionary
- Last updated on
- There have been 8 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
On August 20, we launched an improved version of English-Russian Dictionary with a more user-friendly interface and two new functions: pronunciation of English words and phrases and with on/off switch of the filter of swear words.
For users of the free version:
After the update YOU CAN TRANSLATE 70 WORDS WITHOUT AN INTERNET CONNECTION and with the connection you will need to watch video ads to get bonus translations (1 video = 7 translations). You can accumulate bonus translations and use them later without the Internet connection!
If you prefer to have an improved version, make sure your automatic updates is ON, if you prefer to leave your application as is, make sure your automatic updates is OFF. Go to our web site to find the guide "How to turn OFF automatic updates ".
Subscription options for paid version
- 1 month - US $0.99;
- 6 months - US $2.99;
- unlimited - US $6.99
Modern and up-to-date Russian-English and English-Russian Dictionary which works offline.
Look up English words by how they sound (you dont need to know how to spell the word).
Search for phrases in the dictionary by key words. We have over 50,000 phrases, examples of word usage, idiomatic expressions!
The dictionary accepts all grammatical forms of English words, displays transcription, orthographic variants, part of speech, and accent.
This dictionary will allow you to find the word youre looking for even if you dont know how to spell it in English. To do this, enter phonetic search mode and start typing in the approximate sound of the word in Russian letters.
For example, key-in: and get PEOPLE; and get SKY!
The translations of English words given by this dictionary correspond to the meanings that native English speaking people associate with them. For example,
PANOPLY - " ",
"JAUNDICE" - "" (illness),
"DOUCHE" - "".
You might be surprised, but many existing dictionaries translate these words incorrectly: "PANOPLY" as "", "JAUNDICE" as "" and "DOUCHE" as "".
You can look up word combinations. For example, we enter:
GIVE IN, and get ,
"GIVE UP", and get "",
"LOOK FOR", and get ""
Or; we enter Russian words:
" ", and get " ..?" and then get the translation HOW CAN I GET TO ..?
Key word search makes translation much easier. For example, you need to translate: TO COCK A SNOOK AT We enter: snook cock or cock snook and the dictionary find the phrase and give you its translation: " ".
For comparison , here are online translations:
" " , " ", " " etc.
Youre about to download a free/demo version of this dictionary, which contains ads. If you like our dictionary, please purchase the full version, and get rid of the annoying ads forever!
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