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Key Details of RunCzech App

  • Complete guide of RunCzech.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 9 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Complete guide of RunCzech.

S aplikac RunCzech si vyzvedne startovn slo, zsk vhody od partner a tak me sledovat sv ptele a kamardy, jak si vedou na trati. Nechyb samozejm ani kompletn informace ped zvodem, vsledkov servis po jeho skonen a tipy na trnink s Mattoni FreeRun. Dobhni si pro dobr pocit nebo dokonce pro osobn rekord s aplikac RunCzech.

Kompletn informace o zvodech

Datum, msto a as startu jsou zklad. V aplikaci vak najde tak ve potebn k vdeji startovnch sel, dopravn informace a spoustu dalch uitench informac.

iv sledovn bc na trati

Aplikace pro tv blzk! Tvj aktuln as a pozici na trase mohou sledovat ptel i rodina a ve sprvn as t podpoit v clov rovince.

RunCzech beck liga

Nemus dobhnout prvn, abys byl vtz! Kad kilometr pln adrenalinu a kad vteina me rozhodnout o celkovm poad. Sbrej body a sta se nejrychlejm sldkem, architektem, lkakou nebo idiem.

Mattoni FreeRun

Vce ne 80 beckch tras po cel esk republice a na spoust z nich Mattoni FreeRun kou se svou beckou skupinou. Ideln pleitost pipravit se na svj prvn beck zvod nebo natrnovat na maraton.

Virtuln balek partnerskch vhod

Vechny partnersk vhody pipraven v telefonu ihned k vyuit - u dn letky ve startovn tace!

EXPO doprovodn program

Rozhovory se zajmavmi osobnostmi? Prezentace partnerskho maratonu? Pednka? Afterparty? Nic z toho ti s mobiln aplikac neunikne a kompletn doprovodn program zvodu bude mt vdy po ruce.

Beck pruka

Beck rady a tipy vdy po ruce. Nejsi si jist, jak se prothnout po zvod nebo co sndat ped maratonem? Poradme ti!

RunCzech application helps you to pick up your start number easily, list through all partner benefits, and track you friends on the course. Enjoy comprehensive info before the race, full result lists after the race, and training tips of the Mattoni FreeRun. Finish the race with new personal best or run just for joy with the RunCzech application.

Complete information about RunCzech races

Date, place and time of the start are essential. In the application you can find also all information about start number pick up, transport and other useful information.

Live tracking of the runners on the course

Application also for your loved ones! Your actual time and position can be tracked by your friends or family so they can be ready on time for supporting you at the finish line.

RunCzech Running League

You do not have to finish first to be the winner! Each kilometre full of adrenalin and each second can be crucial in your total rank. Collect points and become the fastest architect, doctor, driver or brewer.

Mattoni FreeRun

More than 80 running courses around the Czech republic and the most of them also with a FreeRun coach and his/her running group. Great opportunity to prepare for your first running race or train for a marathon.

Virtual package of partner benefits

All partner benefits in your mobile phone ready for immediate usage - no more leaflets in your start bag!

EXPO accompanying program

Interviews with interesting people? Presentation of a partner marathon? Afterparty? Thanks to the application you will not miss any of those and you will have all accompanying program of the race always with you in your mobile phone.

Running guide

Running advice and tips always at your fingerprints. Arent you sure how to stretch after the race or what to eat for breakfast before a marathon? We will advise you!

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Full Specifications

Latest update
Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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