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Key Details of QZAntics Slug

  • Slow down all system processing to an absolute crawl.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 6 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Slow down all system processing to an absolute crawl.
QZAntics Slug For Windows is a program which slows down all system processing to an absolute crawl (hence the name slug) based on the parameters passed in at the command line, for whatever period ofQZAntics Slug For Windows is in a line of programs intended for the practical joker and mischief maker and software tester.

QZAntics Slug For Windows is a program which slows down all system processing to an absolute crawl (hence the name slug) based on the parameters passed in at the command line, for whatever period of time is specified at the command line.

To what end? As a practical joke on a programmer, if you remotely activate this on your favorite developer's system (I will create a distribution program later), on a system the developer 'thinks' they own and control it will drive them insane when their system will slow to an absolute crawl based on intervals you've set. I find renaming the process to something ultra non intuitive such as 'lcass' and 'mlasst' - to make them 'seem' like system processes - to be among the most effective names - nothign malicious, right, just having fun.

Now if you're targeting a superstitious developer. I personally find it particularly effective making comments like 'Boy, I wonder if you have a ghost in your system'.

Oh the FUN one can have with this....

On a more somber note. It's a GREAT way to real time stress test operating systems and SPACE FLIGHT SYSTEMS for (AIR QUOTE) "fictional" (END AIR QUOTE) starships or real life starships SUCH AS SPACESHIP TWO where a main central processing unit might demand real time support and some errant code pegs the CPU.

This begs the question. Are applications protected and is the main thread of execution which processes guidance and navigational systems protected as well?


SlugForWindows > Description: Slug SLOWS down your system CPU AND FPU unbelievably slow on the range of values passed inWhere = MINIMUM Number of Seconds between time interval for random range to run slugand = MAXIMUM Number of Seconds between time interval for random range to run slugand = Length of time (in seconds) to make machine SLOWand = Length of time (in seconds) to run Slug before it self terminates

This command is BEST suited for shell execution, usage is as follows:

SlugForWindows 10 20 10 300

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Operating System
  • Windows 10
  • Windows XP
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