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Key Details of Pilot eLog

  • Logbook for pilots that keeps the familiar look and feel of paper logbooks that pilots used to.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

Logbook for pilots that keeps the familiar look and feel of paper logbooks that pilots used to.
Pilot eLog is an user friendly and intuitive cross platform electroniclogbook for pilots that keeps the familiar look and feel of paperlogbooks that pilots used to. The main logbook screen is unclutteredproviding a wealth of information without having to drill throughcountless screens or menus. The top half of the screen shows the mostrecent logbook entries ... just like a paper logbook. The lower sectionprovides summary totals and currency information. The currency and dateexpirations are clearly color coded to visually alert the pilot well inadvance of expiration without the need for annoying popup windows.Total flight time is recorded using either Hobbs Start Stop time or as adirect entry. Log entries incorporate extensive error checking to keeplogs accurate. Accelerator keys make data entry fast and painless. Thesystem automatically tracks Day, Night and Instrument currency and keepsthis information visible on the main screen at all times. It alsoautomatically captures High Performance, Complex and Tailwheel timebased on the type of aircraft flown.Pilots can begin their logbooks from any point in time, recordhistorical totals, then begin using Pilot eLog from that point forward.Recording a new endorsement, rating or BFR check ride automaticallyupdates the BFR expiration information. Other features include 17professionally designed reports and endorsements, the ability to exportthe logbook for custom analysis and reporting, complete text to manylogbook related FARs, links to both the FAA and FAR reference sites, andimmediate viewing of day, night and instrument currency plus BFR andmedical expiration dates.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
  • Mac OS X
  • Mac OS X 10.7
  • Mac OS X 10.5
  • Mac OS X 10.6
Additional Requirements
100% compatible with 10.6 "Snow Leopard" and 10.7 "Lion", distributed as
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