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Key Details of PBZmToken

  • PBZ mToken je aplikacija koja se koristi za provjeru identiteta (identifikaciju) prilikom pristupa internetskom i telefonskom bankarstvu te za...
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  • There have been 1 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for PBZmToken
PBZmToken 0/1

Developer’s Description

PBZ mToken je aplikacija koja se koristi za provjeru identiteta (identifikaciju) prilikom pristupa internetskom i telefonskom bankarstvu te za...
PBZ mToken je aplikacija koja se koristi za provjeru identiteta (identifikaciju) prilikom pristupa internetskom i telefonskom bankarstvu te za potvrdu prilikom izvrenja transakcija (autorizaciju).Nakon instalacije aplikaciju PBZmToken potrebno je aktivirati unosom identifikacijskog i aktivacijskog koda koji moete zatraiti u bilo kojoj poslovnici Banke ili Sinergo Desku. Izdavanje PBZmTokena kao dodatnog autorizacijskog ureaja mogue je realizirati i putem PBZ365@NET usluge (internetsko bankarstvo). U tom se sluaju identifikacijski i aktivacijski kod prikazuje na stranici PBZ365@NET usluge.Nakon unosa identifikacijskog i aktivacijskog koda slijedi definiranje PIN-a. Prilikom definiranja PIN-a stvara se PIN asocijacija koja se sastoji od naziva drave i prikaza njezine zastave. Svrha PIN asocijacije je pomo prilikom pokretanja PBZmTokena, kao podsjetnik na PIN definiran prilikom aktivacije. Nakon aktivacije PBZmTokena za daljnje koritenje aplikacije nije se potrebno povezivati s internetom.Od sada za koritenje internetskog (usluge PBZ365@NET, COM@NET i PBZInvestor) i telefonskog (usluga PBZ365-TEL) bankarstva nije potrebno koristiti dodatne ureaje, kao to su ita kartica i token, ve je dovoljno imati samo mobilni telefon.Dosadanji korisnici itaa kartica ili tokena mogu ih bez naknade zamijeniti za PBZmToken u bilo kojoj poslovnici Banke.SIGURNOST:Koritenje aplikacije PBZmToken potpuno je sigurno, to je potvreno i certifikatom za sigurnost ISO 27001:2005. PBZmToken pokree se PIN-om koji zna samo korisnik, PIN se ne pohranjuje na mobitel, ime se jami apsolutna tajnost podataka o PIN-u. U sluaju krae mobitela te pokuaja pristupa internetskom ili telefonskom bankarstvu, unosom netonih podataka pri prijavi blokira se korisniko ovlatenje, ime se dodatno sprjeava neeljen pristup.---------PBZmToken is an application used for identity verification (identification) in accessing Internet and telephone banking and for confirmation when authorizing payment transactions (authorisation).After the installation, application PBZmToken needs to be initiated by entering the identification and activation code.When acquiring PBZmToken in any branch office of the Bank or Sinergo Desk, the user receives identification and activation code required for the activation.Issue of PBZmToken as additional authorisation device can also be realised through PBZ365@NET service (Internet banking).After entering the identification and activation code, PIN needs to be defined. During PIN definition, PIN association is created, consisting of the state name and the flag. The purpose of PIN association is to provide help during PBZmToken initiation, as a reminder of PIN defined during activation.After PBZmToken activation, further use of application does not require connecting to Internet.From now on, the use of Internet banking (PBZ365@NET, COM@NET and PBZInvestor services) and telephone banking (PBZ365-TEL service) does not require additional devices such as Card Reader and Token the only required device is your mobile phone.Current users of Card Reader and Token can replace them for PBZmToken in any branch office, free of charge.SECURITY:Complete security of using application PBZmToken has been confirmed by Security certificate ISO 27001:2005. PBZmToken is initiated by PIN known only by the user, PIN is not stored on the cell phone, thus warranting PIN data confidentiality. In the event of cell phone theft and unwanted attempts to access Internet and telephone banking by entering incorrect data, user authorisation is blocked, further disabling the access.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, ipadwifi, ipadwifi, ipad3g, ipad3g, ipodtouchthirdgen, ipodtouchthirdgen, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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