Key Details of Noviflora

  • Would you also like to order plants using your cell phone? Simply scan the barcode and place your order. Or make mention of a product. This is also...
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 3 updates
  • Also available on
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Noviflora
Noviflora 0/1

Developer's Description

Would you also like to order plants using your cell phone? Simply scan the barcode and place your order. Or make mention of a product. This is also...
Would you also like to order plants using your cell phone? Simply scan the barcode and place your order. Or make mention of a product. This is also simply done by scanning the barcode, taking a picture and send this on. Thanks to the new Noviflora application, we make things easier for you. The App can be downloaded free in the App Store under the name Noviflora.

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