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Key Details of myHomework Student Planner

  • Keep track of your school assignments.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 2 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

Keep track of your school assignments.

What makes myHomework the best student planner? Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has a gorgeous appearance and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use. Our apps fill their role as a planner without network connectivity. Amazing Anywhere - With highly rated cross-platform apps, and a wonderful website, it's the most complete on the go planner experience anywhere. Price - The account is FREE everywhere and an ads-free premium experience is available. Experience - myHomework has been around since 2009 and continually improving the experience based on the feedback of our users.

The free app includes: Track your classes, homework, tests and assignments. Beautiful calendar display. Supports time, block and period-based schedules. Universal (both iPhone, iPad and iPod touch). Compatibility for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. With the optional myHomework account, you also get: Sync across other platforms. Access to our website. Receive homework reminders. Facebook Single Sign-On. Join your teacher's Teachers. io class and automatically download their class information, assignments, files and announcements. Are you looking for a replacement to that paper student planner, school diary, or academic agenda? myHomework is just what you're looking for. The clean interface and design make this app great for college, high school, or middle school. This homework helper contains additional features that make it easy to use for high school students with a block class schedule. Keeping track of assignments has never been better. The myHomework student agenda is today's students favorite way to focus and reduce anxiety. With this school tracker, the information normally hidden in the academic planner is now available everywhere. Using myHomework as a school organizer makes keeping track of what assignments to do easier than ever before. Download Today.

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