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Key Details of MY-Traffic

  • MY-Traffic is a social traffic monitoring for Malaysian. It has features :- Graphical way to view road incidents data extracted from PLUS and...
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 5 updates

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Developer’s Description

MY-Traffic is a social traffic monitoring for Malaysian. It has features :- Graphical way to view road incidents data extracted from PLUS and...
MY-Traffic is a social traffic monitoring for Malaysian. It has features :- Graphical way to view road incidents data extracted from PLUS and LLMTraffic- LIVE traffic cam from PLUS and LLM (Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia)- User can contribute their traffic incidents and this incident will automatically alerted other traffic users.- Each incidents contributed will be rated "Helpful" or "Not Helpful" by other users to make sure it's a reliableincident.- User with most rated reliable incident will be appeared in "Top Contributor" hall of fame.----------------------------------------------Latest in version 0.6.5- New user friendly incident reporting. Incident location will be based on your current location.- Make "Locate Me" visible for easy access- "My Location" marker has been replaced by "Blue Circle" due to it was overlapped with newly created incident- New incident icons designKeyword : trafik, traffic jam, jalan, malaysia, google map, traffic map, traffic congestion,kuala lumpur,traffic cam, live camera, kl traffic cam,plus traffic, llmtrafikPromo background image is used with owner permission changes:- New user friendly incident reporting. Incident location will be based on your current location.- Make "Locate Me" visible for easy access- "My Location" marker has been replaced by "Blue Circle" due to it was overlapped with newly created incident- New incident icons designContent rating: Low Maturity

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
Android 2.3
Additional Requirements
Compatible with 2.3.3 and above.
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