Key Details of Music Chain

  • Dig your music more! Find your new favorite!Play music from your library. And you can find the artist info and track info right now.In addition,...
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  • There have been 1 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Music Chain
Music Chain 0/1

Developer’s Description

Dig your music more! Find your new favorite!Play music from your library. And you can find the artist info and track info right now.In addition,...
Dig your music more! Find your new favorite!Play music from your library. And you can find the artist info and track info right now.In addition, you can get similar artists or tracks based on current playing.It is possible to preview all tracks and promo videos from iTunes via this app. If you want to buy the track, album, and promo video, you can access to iTunes store directory via this app.**note: This app is recommended to run on WiFi network connection. If you run on 3G network, it may take a long time to get data.================= Main Features=================-- Play music track from your iPhone/iPod music library.-- Show the track or artist information of current playing.-- Get similar tracks or artists of current playing.-- Find the album data including current track.-- Get promo videos of the artist and preview video. *notice: All of artists' videos may not be able to preview.-- Preview all tracks you found via this app. *notice: Some songs may not be able to preview.-- Search artist or track with specific keywords.-- Show related tags of the artist or track. And access to site.-- Find upcoming events about the artist you found.-- If you find a favorite song or an artist, you can add it as your favorites.-- Buy the track and promo video from iTunes store via this app.-- Share with any tracks by Twitter, Facebook and e-mail.This app is powered by And iTunes.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later. iTunes account required
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