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Developer’s Description

< Marathi Calendar 2020 - 2020 ->...

2020 - Marathi calendar 2020 is offline and free Marathi almanac calendar with marathi panchang 2020. Contents of the app are in Marathi language. Highly useful 2020 calendar for Marathi speaking people in Maharastra with government holidays and bank holidays.

Marathi Calendar 2019 Marathi calendar - Marathi Panchangam 2019

Summary of app:

Calendar images (From January 2020 - December 2020)

Sunrise and Sunset timings

Festivals of 2020

Holidays of 2020

Shub Muhurt dates of 2020 (Marriage dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase details, Namakaran dates)

Nakshatra and Rasi details

Fasting days in every month

Government Holidays of 2020

Marathi Panchanga and Horoscope details

Hijjra Dates

App Flow:

* Simple UI/UX and new material design

* Tabs: Calendar, Holidays, Shub Muhurt

(Holidays tab has Holiday list 2020 and Festival list 2020)

(Shub Muhurt tab has Marriage dates / wedding dates, Namakaran dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase dates)

Marathi Calendar 2020 - 2020 : Best Marathi Calendar 2020. This free application includes Festivals, Maasam, Vaaram, Dates, Thithi, Nakshatram, Amavshya, Poornima, Rahukal, Panchang, Kundli, Dindarshika, Rashi Bhavishya, Aarti Sangrah. includes all months calendar, Festivals, Holidays, Shub Muhurt - Marriage dates, Vehicle purchase date, House warming / Griha pravesha dates

2020 Marathi Calendar - 0" : Can easily find the timing and position of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna, Sunsign, Moonsign, Rahu Kalam, Gulikai Kalam

Marathi Calendar (Panchang 2020): Best Hindu Calendar. Amavasyant and Pournimant panchang details are easily available in the app

2020:" Daily Panchang including the tithi timings, Nakshatra timings, Shubh Divas (auspicious days) significance of each day in each month

2020 . , , . (, , , ) . , Panik 2020 . , ,

Hindu Panchang calendar 2020: Marathi Panchangam 2020 gives all the astrology and horoscope details. App also has Daily Panchang including the Nakshatra timings, tithi timings, Shubh Divas (auspicious days). Today tithi, Today panchang. Its a hindu calendar 2020 with offline calendar which shows today's Panchang in Hindi

- Panchang List 2020

- Panchak List 2020

Indian Festival and Indian Holiday list: List of all holidays and festivals are present in this app.

- Hindu holidays 2020

- Muslim holidays 2020

- Christian holidays 2020

- Marathi holidays 2020

- Maharastra government holidays

App Features:-

Full Marati detailed calendar

Zoom in/Zoom out the calendar

Shubh Muhurt details (Marriage dates, Vehicle Purchase, Namakaran, Grih Pravesh)

Calendar Panchang 2020 has Masa, Trkha, Tithi, Nakshatra, Poornima, Rahukala for 2020

Details of Hindu auspicious days like amavasyant, Rashifala, Choghadia, Gowri panchangam, Kundali, Muhurtas

Festival details of each month

Holiday details of each month

Daily timing and position of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna, Sunsign, Moonsign, Rahu Kala, Gulika Kalam, Yamaganda

Quick details of Panchang, Tithi, Thoran, Kalnirnay, Nakshatra, Festivals, Holidays, Rashifala, Choghadia, Kundali, Muhurtas

Beautiful Marati calendar for the year

Marathi calender almanac for 2020

Marathi Panchang, Marathi Kundli

Religious/Auspicious dates and details

Indian Bank Holidays 2020

Best Indian calendar for 2020

Best Hindu Calendar in Marathi for 2020

, , , , 2020, , , ,

Thanks for downloading 2020. Enjoy using!!!

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