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Key Details of Logic Gate Simulator
- Digital Logic Circuit simulation and schematics.
- Last updated on
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
Digital Logic Circuit simulation and schematics.
Build and simulate Digital circuits
right in your hand.
Build logic circuits with logic gates and other components then simulate.
its extremely simple and easy to use.
take no time to learn how to use it,
suitable for students and teachers who's learning how digital logic circuit works.
Logic Gate Simulator contains features :
- Buttons (Toggle Switch,Push Button)
- Lamps (Red,Green,Blue),7 Segments displays
- Flip-flops (SR Flip-Flop,JK Flip-Flop,D Flip-Flop,T Flip-Flop)
you can also learn about
logic gates
xor gate
xnor gate
nand gate
universal gates
half adder and full adder
logic circuit
logic gate symbols
logic design
and gate ic
transmission gate
and logic gate
basic logic gates
xor gate using nand gate
universal logic gates
full adder using nand gates
basic gates
not gate ic
cmos nand gate
xor using nand
nand gate ic
ex nor gate
xor logic
types of logic gates
3 input and gate
cmos and gate
ttl nand gate
3 input nand gate
xor gate ic
and gate circuit
logic gates in hindi
xor logic gate
full subtractor using nand gates
cmos nor gate
xor gate using nor gate
and gate using nand gate
not logic gate
xor using nor
inverter gate
digital logic gates
xor and xnor gate
all logic gates
logic gate circuit
nand gate circuit
and gate using diode
digital gate
not gate using transistor
gates in digital electronics
reversible logic gates
logic gates physics
thank you
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