Used IQ Test - Premium IQ Test for Android? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of IQ Test - Premium IQ Test
- Are you smart. If yes, how smart are you? Measure your IQ with one of the best and most popular IQ test.
- Last updated on
- There have been 4 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
Are you smart? If yes, how smart are you? Measure your IQ with one of the best and most popular IQ test. In a few minutes, see your smartness in different levels. From IQ to specific intelligence levels, IQ Test - Premium IQ Test measures every aspect of your smartness.
How to start the test:
- Simply click "Start"
- 30 minutes approximate time
- Simply click "results" and obtain your IQ instantly
Other features of IQ Test - Premium IQ Test
- In the scores section, you can check your older results anytime you want.
Premium Version of the App:
- Inside the app. you can also obtain detailed results and see your analytical, emotional, theoretical, sensual, and other skills.
Relax and see your IQ for yourself! A lot of IQ tests are out there and will calculate your intelligence. But none of them are like this one! Attempt the test, solve the iq test, and get your iq to show your friends, family, and everyone!
You can also share your IQ anytime with your friends and other people.
Enjoy IQ Test - Premium IQ Test
More about IQ: IQ is a score that calculates different kinds of intelligence ranging from analytical IQ, theoretical IQ, emotional IQ, spatial IQ, abstract IQ, applied IQ, and etc. Enjoy the IQ test and show all of your friends and family how smart you are!
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