Used HRT Teletekst for iOS? Share your experience and help other users.
Key Details of HRT Teletekst
- HRT Teletext is an application providing access to HTVs Teletext pages via mobile and tablet devices.
- Last updated on
- There have been 1 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
HRT Teletext is an application providing access to HTVs Teletext pages via mobile and tablet devices. It features a hybrid display, combining emulation of the standard display and Teletext pages navigation typical for TV sets and use of modern and advanced navigation and presentation features of mobile platforms and their native user interface. Application use requires internet connection and enabled data traffic.
All copyright over the application and content is reserved by HRT. Any commercial use or further distribution is prohibited.
Additional information and contact:
HRT Teletekst je aplikacija koja omoguava pristup stranicama Teleteksta HTV-a preko mobilnih i tablet ureaja. Prikaz je izveden hibridno, to jest kao kombinacija emulacije klasinog prikaza i navigacije teletekst stranica svojstvenih TV prijamnicima te koritenja modernih i naprednih navigacijskih i prezentacijskih mogunosti mobilnih platformi i njihova nativnog korisnikog suelja. Za koritenje aplikacije potrebna je internetska veza i omoguen podatkovni promet.
Sva autorska prava nad aplikacijom i sadrajem pridrava HRT. Svako komercijalno koritenje ili daljnja distribucija nisu doputeni.
Dodatne informacije i kontakt:
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