Apply an array of social networking features to your computer.Hiitch is a desktop software that will bring social networking to the next level. Unlike conventional browser based social networking applications, Hiitch brings social networking directly to you on your desktop. It provides you with an array of features that will securely connect you to your friends and family. Meet someone new today on Hiitch. Version 1 RC quick messaging, community features, and Auto update.
We are the owners of Hiitch. The warning and worry is well founded, however, we are a legitimate business (Hiitch Pte Ltd) based in Singapore. If you have any worries or questions, you should contact us directly at our website or at<p>In addition to the warning above, we advise that you should only download the binaries from our website directly or from any well respect sites that you trust.<p>Additional Points:<p>- The questions that we gather are encrypted and is not available even to our employees.<p>- Read more about why we choose these security question at<p>- Hiitch is open source, so you can review the code itself if you have any major concerns.<p>- If we leave the question to the users, they may end up writing "the answer is ivan254" as the question.<p>- You don't have to give a complete answer or even correct answer to the questions. Feel free to answer whatever you desire!<p>Security is a difficult job, thanks anyway Specbob for your warning.<p>Regards,<p>Ivan Tay.<p>Co-founder of Hiitch Pte Ltd.
People should be warned
SpecbobAugust 14, 2007
I never got past the initial install
When you Load new software then it ask you what question you want for password recovery, AND EVERY Question is either about Account passwords, bank account numbers and other stuff like that then i ASK WHY AM I LIMITED to those questions to a PROGRAM i don't know if it will send out to people who don't need to know.
<p>BE WARNED This program seems to be setup to get private information. I saw those questions and immediately uninstalled.