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Key Details of Hearthstone

  • Experience the magic, mischief, and mayhem of Blizzard's award-winning card battler.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 3 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Editors’ Review staff

Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft-set card battler Hearthstone for iPhone pits you, the hero, against a slew of enemies and their minions, playing minion and spell cards until your opponent's health goes down to zero. Hearthstone is free to play but heavily relies on in-app purchases.


Intuitive gameplay: Attack an opponent or one of their minions by tapping and dragging to place a card on the board and then aiming and firing a card out at them with a sling-like swiping gesture. You can keep playing cards until the End Turn button on the side lights up green. Tap it, and then it's your opponent's turn. Keep going till your opponent's health deteriorates from 30 to zero and then you win and are rewarded with more collectible cards. Conversely, if your health level hits zero first, you lose. You'll see your progress after each match on a Mission Progress board.

Rules aren't too overwhelming: Card games often have a lot of complex, compound rule interactions to commit to memory. But Hearthstone keeps things pretty simple by placing attack capabilities on cards and telling users when and how they may use different cards.

Brains over brawn: What keeps Hearthstone exciting is the cunning strategy necessary to come out on top. When is the optimal time to use a particular card? Should you go after an arch enemy or a minion? Which cards should be combined to really wreak havoc? These are some of the questions you should figure out before throwing cards down.

Sights and sounds: The flashy graphics and amusing chatter between the World of Warcraft hero characters keep the game compelling. Also, prepare yourself for some dramatic special effects during fights.

Tips between rounds: You'll get helpful instructions, such as "Don't understand a card? Touch it and hold!" between rounds that help you along with the game.


New players at a disadvantage: The pace at which you can craft cards or collect free cards by progressing in the game is too slow for you to rely purely on that method of building a competitive deck. You also can't trade cards in the game. To be competitive, you'll want to spend money.

Bottom Line

Hearthstone for iPhone is a fun, collectible card game. But be prepared to spend money if you want to build a competitive deck.

What’s new in version 31.4.214839

In this Hearthstone update we're laying a path of frost for Knights of the Frozen Throne, Hearthstone's newest expansion! We're also making Arena rewards more consistent, changing Dreadsteed, and fixing several bugs.

Read on for details!

Knights of the Frozen Throne arrives on August 10!

*Witness as Hearthstone's heroes embrace the Lich King's power to become Death Knights in Hearthstone's latest expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne. Knights of the Frozen Throne introduces 135 all-new cards -- including a crypt-full of undead monstrosities, a new health-draining keyword in Lifesteal, and an all-new card type: Hero cards!

*Death Knight Hero cards - Each of Hearthstone's nine Heroes can wield the chilling power of a Death Knight. Hero cards are an all-new card type, neither spell nor minion, that allow you to tranform your existing hero into a new one, complete with a powerful Battlecry, armor, and a potent new hero power!

*Knights of the Frozen Throne introduces free single-player Missions.

**A new section of Missions unlocks each week until all the Missions are unlocked.

**The Prologue and The Lower Citadel are available with the launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne.

**Earn a free random Death Knight hero card just for facing the Lich King in the Prologue.

**Earn a Knights of the Frozen Throne card pack after completing a mission section, for a total of 3.

**Defeat the final mission with all nine classes to earn a new Paladin hero!

*New Paladin Hero: Prince Arthas

*Arena Rewards: Reduced variance of rewards in Arena. In particular, reward bags will no longer contain single, non-Golden Common cards.

*Added the following card backs:

**Blood Knight - Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, August 2017.

**Frost Knight - Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, September 2017.

**Call of the Light - Acquired from a special promotion.

**Call of the Void - Acquired from a special promotion.

*Mistress of Pain and Wickerflame Burnbristle now use the Lifesteal keyword.

*Fandral Staghelm's text has been updated to reflect that he will interact with powers as well: Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.

*Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing.

*Auchenai Soulpriest and similar effects will only trigger once when combined with Lifesteal.

Bug Fixes

*Fixed an issue that could cause the OS status bar to disappear switching to and from Hearthstone.

*[iPhone] Card back names are now displayed at the correct size in the Collection Manager.

*The deck recipe "replace missing cards" UI no longer closes after every card is selected.

*Dragging a card over the Deck Helper button will now correctly add it to your decklist.

*Devices with no Wifi capability will now correctly receive a no wifi error message during Fireside Gatherings.

*Adventure bosses now correctly respond to the 'Wow' emote.

*Several cards that interact with cards of a specific type now glow when those cards are on the board.

* Anub'ar Ambusher no longer shows a Poisonous Keyword on mouse-over.

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Developer’s Description

Experience the magic, mischief, and mayhem of Blizzard's award-winning card battler.
Blizzard's award-winning card battler - experience the magic, mischief and mayhem with your friends. Requires an Internet connection and iPhone 5, iPod touch 6th Generation, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini 2 or newer. DECEPTIVELY SIMPLE. INSANELY FUN. Pick up your cards and throw down the gauntlet. In Hearthstone, you play the hero in a fast-paced, whimsical card game of cunning strategy. In minutes, you'll be unleashing powerful cards to sling spells, summon minions, and seize control of an ever-shifting battlefield. Whether it's your first card game or you're an experienced pro, the depth and charm of Hearthstone will draw you in. JUMP RIGHT IN: Fun introductory missions bring you into the world of Hearthstone's intuitive gameplay. BUILD YOUR DECK: With hundreds of additional cards to win and craft - your collection grows with you. HONE YOUR SKILLS: Play in practice matches against computer-controlled heroes of the Warcraft universe. Thrall, Uther, Gul'dan - they're all here. COLLECTION TRAVELS WITH YOU: Your card collection is linked to your account - enabling you to switch your play between tablet and desktop with ease. AND FIGHT FOR GLORY: When you're ready, step into the Arena and duel other players for the chance to win awesome prizes. Post feedback about the game in our forums: http://us. Languages Supported: English. Francais. Deutsch. Espanol (Latinoamerica). Espanol (Europa). Italiano. Portugues. Polski. (Russian). (Korean). (Simplified Chinese). (Traditional Chinese). (Japanese). (Thai). 2017 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Hearthstone, and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U. S. and/or other countries.

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