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  • Learn Math fast using Learnhive Smart learning cards app. Gain confidence with practice exercises!Grade 7 Math Learning Cards app is a collection...
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Developer’s Description

Learn Math fast using Learnhive Smart learning cards app. Gain confidence with practice exercises!Grade 7 Math Learning Cards app is a collection...
Learn Math fast using Learnhive Smart learning cards app. Gain confidence with practice exercises!Grade 7 Math Learning Cards app is a collection of power packed learning cards and practice exercises. Each learning card is color coded by topic and describes a key concept. Helps you to revise important properties and formulae. No need to carry huge Mathematics books! The app comes with quick navigation to allow seamless navigation of each learning card and location of cards by topics and sub-topics.Practice exercises are provided for topics related to every card. The app consists of practice exercise for each topic that will thoroughly test your understanding. Think you have mastered all the concepts? Try the overall practice exercise that randomly picks practice questions across multiple topics. Each exercise is designed to check and reinforce concepts described in the learning card. The exercises have been designed by experts with decades of teaching experience.Want more practice exercises? Enter the exercise number displayed on the top left corner of the card in the companion Learnhive Personal Concept Tutor free app (*) to attempt additional practice exercises. Chapter List1. Number Theory1.1 Integers1.2 Fractions and Decimals1.3 Rational Numbers1.4 Order of Operations1.5 Exponents1.6 Squares and Square Roots1.7 Cubes and Cube Roots2. Algebra2.1 Algebraic Expressions2.2 Operations of Algebraic Expressions2.3 Algebraic Equations and Inequations2.4 Solving Linear Equations in One Variable3. Geometry3.1 Lines and Angles3.2 Conditions for Parallel Lines3.3 Triangle and its Properties3.4 Congruence of Triangles3.5 Area of Triangles3.6 Perimeter and Area of Square, Rectangle and Parallelogram 3.7 Circumference and Area of Circle3.8 Symmetry 3.9 3D Visualization 3.10 Cubes, Cuboids and Right Circular Cylinder3.11 Construction of Triangles4. Commercial Mathematics4.1 Ratio and Proportion4.2 Unitary Method4.3 Direct and Inverse Variations4.4 Percentage4.5 Profit and Loss4.6 Simple Interest5. Statistics and Data Handling5.1 Frequency distribution5.2 Mean, Median and Mode5.3 Bar Graphs6. Set Theory and Probability6.1 Basic concepts of Set Theory6.2 Events, trials and random experiments* About Learnhive Personal Concept Tutor app:The Personal Concept Tutor companion app can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store.

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with iPod Touch (3rd generation or later, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPad. iTunes account required.
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