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Key Details of ETFmatic

  • ETFmatic provides you with an easy way to manage your investment goals. We use index based investment strategies and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)...
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Developer’s Description

ETFmatic provides you with an easy way to manage your investment goals. We use index based investment strategies and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)...
ETFmatic provides you with an easy way to manage your investment goals. We use index based investment strategies and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) to construct and manage unique investment portfolios tailored to your personal preferences and circumstances.We are an European Automated Investment Service licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority. With our App and the Investment Engine behind it you can easily build a unique portfolio instead of being stuffed into high-fee cookie-cutter portfolios dressed up as a personalised service. ETFmatic is lead by a team of experienced entrepreneurs that believe we all deserve a simple and cost effective way to put our savings to work. Our Advisory Board includes Private Banking and Fund Management Executives from the Financial Industry and Professors from the most prestigious Business Schools.Our investment approach applies the latest developments in Modern Portfolio Theory and Smart beta to deliver a highly diversified and cost efficient solution to our customers:-Benefit from diversified portfolios, optimally weighted to ensure returns are driven by asset allocation rather than instrument selection-Set long-term investment goals, automate contributions and portfolio re-balancing to avoid suboptimal investor behaviour-Build personal investment portfolios, tailored to your individual investment goals and attitude to risk and returnAt ETFmatic we believe risk amounts to more than the expected fluctuations of a portfolio. The likelihood of you accessing part of your savings early or how you will react to a scary market movement is at least as important as the criteria employed to analyse the stock markets performance.Our risk assessment methodology is not only about anticipating how much pain you can take in a market downturn, we help you design and execute the strategy that adapts best to your unique long term needs. We will tailor further your Portfolios with what we learn from you in every interaction, it all starts with a few simple questions to measure your attitude to risk in 3 dimensions:-Exposure: All returns come with risks, your Exposure score compares you with other investors in how you perceive and react to these risks, enabling us to tailor your portfolios to how you trade off between capital preservation and profit maximisation-Strategy: How you react to market movements in terms of what proportion of your portfolio you want to shift towards less risky assets or viceversa. Your Strategy score determines if the base portfolio strategy will move with the market or take a contrarian view; moving away from risky assets or buying more.-Patience: How you measure short and long term trends, or the risk of overreacting versus underreacting. Your Patience score determines how often you tend to sell assets in your portfolio to rebalance based on what academics define as the estimation window, which is one of the key inputs for the Mean-Variance optimisation applied in Modern Portfolio theory.The current version of our investment platform deploys 125 base portfolio strategies which are then time-adjusted reducing volatility and adapting the asset allocation to what makes you comfortable, essentially infinite portfolios that enable us to deliver the best investment solution for you. Beyond the adjustment if anything in your lifestyle or attitude to risk changes, by using dynamic targets and, in goals with target date, volatility reduction, the target weight for each asset evolves over time.Our unique "RoboAdvisor" Portfolios combine high liquidity ETFs from the issuers such as Vanguard, State Street and Blackrock (iShares) that track indices such as FTSE, DJIA and MSCI.Investing in stocks & bonds puts capital at risk. ETFmatic Ltd is a Discretionary Investment Manager authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 657261) and office at Google Campus, 4-5 Bonhill Street, EC2A 4BX, London, United Kingdom. Robo-Advisor do not imply we provide advice

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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