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Key Details of Dewin a Doti
- Mudiad Meithrin.
- Last updated on
- There have been 4 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
Here is an App for children between 2 5 years old that includes 4 audio books featuring Dewin and Doti Mudiad Meithrins unique characters, written and read by Nia Ceidiog (the author of Fireman Sam). The stories reflect the everyday lives of young children in Wales in all their diversity combined with the magic of those two lovely characters Dewin and Doti. The titles of the books are Dewin a Doti yn yr Archfarchnad, (Dewin and Doti in the Supermarket) Dewin a Dotin Helpu yn y Gm Fawr (Dewin and Doti Help in the Big Game,) Dewin a Dotin Helpu yn y Pwll Nofio (Dewin and Doti Help in the Swimming Pool), and Dewin a Dotin Mynd ir Parc (Dewin and Doti go to the Park).
The App includes a voice-over of all four stories read by Nia Ceidiog, background noises and moving images to create an interactive element for young children. This App will be of practical use to Welsh-medium early years settings and primary schools, parents and carers as they introduce Welsh to young children in the early years.
Dyma Ap ar gyfer plant rhwng 2-5 oed syn cynnwys 4 stori Dewin a Doti - gyda sain. Maer llyfraun adlewyrchu elfennau o fywydau plant bach yng Nghymru yn ei holl amrywiaeth ac yn cyfuno hynny r hud a lledrith sydd gan y ddau gymeriad hoffus Dewin a Doti. Teitlaur llyfrau yw Dewin a Doti yn yr Archfarchnad, Dewin a Dotin Helpu yn y Gm Fawr, Dewin a Dotin Helpu yn y Pwll Nofio a Dewin a Dotin Mynd ir Parc.
Mae Ap yn cynnwys trosleisiad or pedwar llyfr gan Nia Ceidiog, synau cefndirol a delweddau symudol gan greu elfen ryngweithiol ar gyfer plant bach. Mae Nia yn adnabyddus ym maes y blynyddoedd cynnar gydai gwaith sgriptio a chynhyrchu rhaglenni plant arloesol gan gynnwys Sam Tn, Dwylor Enfys ac Y Diwrnod Mawr.
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