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Key Details of Destination Malaysia

  • To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia, bustling melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live...
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  • There have been 7 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia, bustling melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live...
To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia, bustling melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live in peace and harmony. This multiculturalism has made Malaysia a gastronomical paradise and home to hundreds of colourful festivals. As a people, Malaysians are very relaxed, warm and friendly.Geographically, Malaysia is almost as diverse as its culture. One of Malaysia's key attractions is its extreme contrasts which further add to this theme of 'diversity'. Towering skyscrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts while five-star hotels sit just metres away from ancient reefs.Malaysia will invigorate and surprise you, from its picture-perfect beaches and sumptuous cuisine to adventure activities and eclectic cities. For the perfect holiday full of surprises, the time is now, the place is Malaysia.This app is designed specifically to assist visitors navigate around interesting sights within Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Ipoh and Penang. There are 82 sights included in the app with purple pin-drops showing their locations on the map. Once your hotel details are entered, you can easily find what interesting sights are around the hotel you're staying through the map pin-drops.As this app accesses the internet, an internet connection is required for the app to work.Features:Map - The map is mainly centred around Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Ipoh, Penang). Kuala Lumpur will be the main focus. It uses four different coloured pin-drops. Purple pin-drops shows all 82 sights within Malaysia. Red pin-drops shows the location of hotels you've entered, green pin-drops shows the locations that you wish to find, and the blue pin-drop shows your current location. When you're in Malaysia, the 'Locate' button will pin-point your current location with a blue pin-drop. There is also a 'Find' button that allows you to find an address or place that you've entered and this location is shown with a green pin-drop.Sights - All 82 sights are listed. When you select a sight, you will be taken to its website where you can obtain information about the sight, tours, opening hours, entrance fees, things to do, etc.Hotels - This page will initially be blank as there is no hotel entered. To add a hotel, press the '+' button and you will be taken to a page where you can enter the name and address of a hotel or get one from your Contacts. When you press the 'Save' button the hotel will be shown on the map. This will provide an indication of how far the sights are from your chosen hotel address. More than one hotel addresses may be entered. The 'Hotels' page will then be populated by the hotel(s) you've entered or chosen from your Contacts. Once you press the 'Save' button, you can then go back to the Map section to see the locations (shown by red pin-drops) of these hotels. To delete a hotel from the 'Hotels' page, just select a hotel you wish to delete and the deleted hotel will be removed from the map. You can also save the hotel details to your contacts.Weather - This website shows the 5 day forecast on the current weather conditions in Malaysia. Postcard - You can send a postcard to your loved ones or friends with an attached photo of the sight you're visiting. Select the 'Sight' photo to send, enter the email address, type your email message, press either Send, Cancel, Delete Draft or Save Draft.Transport - This will take you to the Public Transport portal where you can obtain information on buses, trains, monorail timetables, fares & tickets, journey planner, using public transport, etc.Directions - This takes you to a website where you can obtain directions (by car, bus, walk, or cycle) to where you want to go. It will initially show your current location.Visitor Information - Obtain information on events and festivals, things to see and do, where to stay, trip planner, etc. Restaurants - Find restaurants by outlet, cuisine, location, reviews, offers, etc.

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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