Key Details of Cryptogram

  • Insightful, often witty quotes.
  • Last updated on
  • Also available on
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Cryptogram
Cryptogram 0/4

Developer's Description

Insightful, often witty quotes.


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Over 1,900 puzzles

Handpicked quotes

Optionally show incorrect answers

Optionally include author in puzzle

Unlimited hints

Landscape & portrait

Puzzles include punctuation

Puzzles size to screen, no scrolling

Light and dark mode

Auto advance after guess

Perfect game recognition

Show letter usage counts

Collect quotes with built in Quote Book

Search and share quotes (Messages, email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

A cryptogram is a quote that has been encrypted using letter substitution where each letter stands uniquely for another letter in the alphabet. Your job is to decode the message in the least amount of time by substituting each letter.

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