Key Details of Cribis Mobile

  • Cribis Mobile obsahuje informace o firmch registrovanch v esk republice a na Slovensku.Sluby aplikace:PROVIT FIRMU zkladn identifikan daje...
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Cribis Mobile 0/1

Developer's Description

Cribis Mobile obsahuje informace o firmch registrovanch v esk republice a na Slovensku.Sluby aplikace:PROVIT FIRMU zkladn identifikan daje...
Cribis Mobile obsahuje informace o firmch registrovanch v esk republice a na Slovensku.Sluby aplikace:PROVIT FIRMU zkladn identifikan daje (zdarma), ekonomick hodnocen firem vetn varovnch signl a hodnotcch index (po zaplacen pedplatnho).MONITORING firmy je mon po zaplacen pedplatnho monitorovat (nap. vyhlen konkurzu i vzniku dluhu vi zdravotnm pojiovnm, statusu nespolehlivho pltce DPH)KOLY pehledn forma poznmek k firmm KURZY MN pepoet finannch dat do vybranch mn aktulnm kurzem NB NOVINKY informace z portlu a novinky tkajc se Cribis MobileV ppad dotaz ns prosm kontaktujte na: nabz tak podrobnj data. Tyto informace jsou pstupn po zaplacen pedplatnho.Pedplatn: msn (monost proven a 350 firem) ron (monost proven a 5 000 firem)Pedplatn se automaticky neobnovuj, nov pedplatn lze koupit po vypren pvodnho pedplatnho. Pedplatn nen mon zruit bhem doby jeho trvn.Jakkoliv st nevyuitch limit (pot firem, kter bylo mon provit i monitorovat) v rmci pedplatnho propad po jeho vypren.-------------Cribis Mobile obsahuje informcie o firmch registrovanch v eskej republike a na Slovensku.Sluby aplikcie:PREVERI FIRMU zkladn identifikan daje (zdarma), ekonomick hodnotenie firiem vrtane varovnch signlov a hodnotiacich indexov (po zaplaten predplatnho).MONITORING firmy je mon po zaplaten predplatnho monitorova (napr. vyhlsen konkurzu i vzniku dlhu voi zdravotnm poisovniam, statuse nespoahlivho platcu DPH)LOHY prehadn forma poznmok k firmm KURZY MIEN prepoet finannch dt do vybranch mien aktulnym kurzom NB NOVINKY informcie z portlu a novinky tkajce sa Cribis MobileV prpade otzok ns, prosm, kontaktujte na: ponka taktie podrobnejie dta. Tieto informcie s prstupn po zaplaten predplatnho.Predplatn: mesan (monos preverenia a 350 firiem) ron (monos preverenia a 5 000 firiem)Predplatn sa automaticky neobnovuj, nov predplatn je mon kpi po vypran pvodnho predplatnho. Predplatn nie je mon zrui behom doby jeho trvania.Akkovek as nevyuitch limitov (poty firiem, ktor bolo mon preveri i monitorova) v rmci predplatnho prepad po jeho vypran.-------------Cribis Mobile comprises information about companies registered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.Application services:EXAMINE A FIRM basic identification data (free of charge), economic assessment of firms including warning signals and assessment indices (upon the payment of a subscription fee).MONITORING upon the payment of a subscription fee firms can be monitored (f. e. the declaration of bankruptcy or origin of debt to health insurance companies, status of an unreliable VAT payer)TASKS well-organized notes on firmsCURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES conversion of financial data to the selected currencies using the valid exchange rate announced by the Czech National Bank. NEWS information from the portal and news concerning Cribis Mobile.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: application also offers detailed information. Such information is available upon the payment of a subscription fee.Subscription fees: Monthly (possibility to examine up to 350 firms); Annual (possibility to examine up to 5,000 firms).Subscriptions are not automatically renewed; new subscription can be purchased after the expiry of the original subscription. Subscriptions cannot be cancelled during their term of validity.Any portion of unutilized limits (number of firms that can be examined or monitored) available under a subscription fee becomes null and void after the expiry of the subscription.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone3gs, iphone4, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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