Calculate how many calories you have burned or will burn.As a part of good health counting your daily calories is an important part of your plan to loose weight. This widget is simple and easy to use and is vital to determining your physical health. All you do is imput your current weight and then imput the amount of miles that you ran or will run and then the widget will calculate how many calories you have burned or will burn. Calorie Coounter 4. 0 has a bigger user interface with the same physical size as before to help maximize calculations. This version has three additional calculators and they all have metric support.
This review was originally posted on<br />I have been using this widget for a long time, yea sure there are a lot of widgets and programs out there that deal with food but this widget is totally dedicated to exercise which is amazing. The only way to see how much weight you really loose is to compare your caloric intake vs. your daily activities! Amazing widget and now even better thanks so much!!!
not enough info in the demo
macsolutionsDecember 29, 2005
This review was originally posted on<br />I downloaded this demo, and it's just that - a VERY limited demo; some buttons don't seem to work, it's too small to really see (and I've got perfect vision), and the list of activites and other things is very limited, leaving much to be desired if he wants to sell anything. your activity is limited to hours only, not minutes, and good luck picking a different number of hours than what's offered or defining a new activity that's not listed. There are better apps that do this, but this was the first widget I've checked out.