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Key Details of Bible-Simple Bible Advance HD (KJV) - Lite

  • Glory to God! Now Simple Bible can read the Bible in Chinese! Version 2.0 features: Bible version: King James Version. Double Version Setting:...
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 3 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Bible-Simple Bible Advanc…
Bible-Simple Bible Advance HD (KJV) - Lite 0/1

Developer’s Description

Glory to God! Now Simple Bible can read the Bible in Chinese! Version 2.0 features: Bible version: King James Version. Double Version Setting:...
Glory to God! Now Simple Bible can read the Bible in Chinese! Version 2.0 features: Bible version: King James Version. Double Version Setting: Include He He Ban Traditional & Simplified Chinese. Five Main Function: Reading, Search, Bookmark, Notes and Setting. Setting: Adjust fonts size, screen lighting, double version setting. Very easy to use and to read, simple but useful. One and only bible app that can read without internet connection, without more download, small size app fast download and can read single verse or verse to verse (Not reading chapter by chapter). Unique and fast system, no lagging. Beautiful UI design. Auto scrolling with adjustable speed. Change chapter by simply sliding your finger left or right. The Where in the bible? fun function, test your bible knowledge. Double click on any verse to open the function list, with functions like sharing verses, copy verses and so on. Fix verse error. Thank you all for your error report! If you are disturbed by the Ads below, you can turn off the device internet connection to disable the Ads. The author of Simple Bible is a home developer with no fund support and also with no fix income, just dedicated to this app full time, so please be sure to click the Ads to support, thank you! Psalms 144:1 Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my "fingers" the art of fighting. Hope everyone can make good use of this app, and always read your Bible, use your "finger" to fight.

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