Key Details of Aimp Remote Control Easy for Windows 10

  • Control AIMP player on PC with your Windows Phone 8.1/10 device over wi-fi.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Aimp Remote Control Easy for Windows 10 0/3

Developer's Description

By milutin.apostol
Control AIMP player on PC with your Windows Phone 8.1/10 device over wi-fi.

Control AIMP player on PC with your Windows Phone 8.1/10 device over wi-fi.

Supported OSes:

-Windows Phone 8.1

-Windows Mobile 10

AIMP player support:

-AIMP v3.2 build 1165 player is recommended to be used with Aimp Remote Control Easy. New versions of AIMP player may not work properly with aimp_web_ctl plugin! Aimp v3.2 download link: . Before installing AIMP v3.2 uninstall other versions of AIMP player and restart PC.


-Scroll to the playing song, even if it is located in the playlist other than loaded. Useful for large playlists.

-Changes in playlists (move, add, delete) are automatically updated at about 1 second interval.

-Changes in playlist songs (move, add, delete) are automatically updated at about 60 second interval.

-AIMP UI changes are automatically updated at about 1 second interval.

-User can change playlist, song, volume, track position, shuffle, song repeate, balance, playlist repeate, search songs and add songs to queue.

-User can set server.

-User can find manuals on Settings page.

Important notes:

-Before using Aimp Remote Control Easy you have to install aimp_web_ctl_v2.6.5.0 Aimp plugin on your PC.

-To avoid hangs/freezes of Aimp PC player start Aimp player on PC before Aimp Remote Control Easy. When shuting down Aimp player on PC apply reverse order, first shut down Aimp Remote Control Easy.

-When you add a lot(thousands) of songs, Aimp Remote Control Easy will start refreshing playlist in cycles. This may take a few minutes.

-When you add new playlist or add/delete/move songs, Aimp Remote Control Easy will try to update playlists accordingly. This can take a few minutes. If after few minutes playlists in Aimp Remote Control Easy don't reflect playlist on PC you need to restart Aimp Remote Control Easy.

-Tap settings button for Settings page where you can set server and read manuals.

-Holding longer settings button opens Extras window where you can set balance and playlist repeate.

-Holding longer song in playlist opens Queue window.

-Stable wi-fi network is desirable for optimal app functioning.

How to install AIMP plugin on PC:

1.Download from Vitaly Dyatlov is author of this plugin, not me.

2.Go to AIMP_INSTALL_FOLDER\Plugins. Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\AIMP3\Plugins.

3.Now, if you see many dll files (aimp_lastfm.dll, bass_aac.dll ...) then just extract/copy content of here. If this is the case go to step 5.

4.On the other hand, if you see many folders (aimp_cdda, aimp_AnalogMeter...) then you need to create plugin folder with name aimp_web_ctl. After creating folder open and copy aimp_web_ctl.dll and all from aimp_web_ctl folder to newly created folder.

5.Restart Aimp player on PC.

6.Allow firewall access when asked.

7.Find IP address of PC where AIMP player is installed. Go to Aimp Remote Control Easy Settings page and set Server IP.

8.That's all :)

Developed and tested on:

-Microsoft Lumia 640 DS (My phone :)) - WM10

-Nokia Lumia 520 - WP8.1

-AIMP v3.2 build 1165 with 5 playlists, one with 12000 songs.

-WIndows 8.1 x64

Thank you for using my app. You can write suggestions and bugs to my e-mail

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
Windows 10
Additional Requirements
Available for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1 (ARM)
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