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  • 29 CFR 1926 - OSHA Construction.
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29 CFR 1926 - Subpart CC 0/4

Developer’s Description

29 CFR 1926 - OSHA Construction.

29 CFR 1926 - OSHA Construction

Subpart CC - Cranes and Derricks in Construction

Data is current as of October 1, 2018

Table of Contents:

§1926.1400 - Scope.

§1926.1401 - Definitions.

§1926.1402 - Ground conditions.

§1926.1403 - Assembly/Disassembly - selection of manufacturer or employer procedures.

§1926.1404 - Assembly/Disassembly - general requirements (applies to all assembly and disassembly operations).

§1926.1405 - Disassembly - additional requirements for dismantling of booms and jibs (applies to both the use of manufacturer procedures and employer procedures).

§1926.1406 - Assembly/Disassembly - employer procedures - general requirements.

§1926.1407 - Power line safety (up to 350 kV) - assembly and disassembly.

§1926.1408 - Power line safety (up to 350 kV) - equipment operations.

§1926.1409 - Power line safety (over 350 kV).

§1926.1410 - Power line safety (all voltages) - equipment operations closer than the Table A zone.

§1926.1411 - Power line safety - while traveling under or near power lines with no load.

§1926.1412 - Inspections.

§1926.1413 - Wire rope - inspection.

§1926.1414 - Wire rope - selection and installation criteria.

§1926.1415 - Safety devices.

§1926.1416 - Operational aids.

§1926.1417 - Operation.

§1926.1418 - Authority to stop operation.

§1926.1419 - Signals - general requirements.

§1926.1420 - Signals - radio, telephone or other electronic transmission of signals.

§1926.1421 - Signals - voice signals - additional requirements.

§1926.1422 - Signals - hand signal chart.

§1926.1423 - Fall protection.

§1926.1424 - Work area control.

§1926.1425 - Keeping clear of the load.

§1926.1426 - Free fall and controlled load lowering.

§1926.1427 - Operator qualification and certification.

§1926.1428 - Signal person qualifications.

§1926.1429 - Qualifications of maintenance & repair employees.

§1926.1430 - Training.

§1926.1431 - Hoisting personnel.

§1926.1432 - Multiple-crane/derrick lifts - supplemental requirements.

§1926.1433 - Design, construction and testing.

§1926.1434 - Equipment modifications.

§1926.1435 - Tower cranes.

§1926.1436 - Derricks.

§1926.1437 - Floating cranes/derricks and land cranes/derricks on barges.

§1926.1438 - Overhead & gantry cranes.

§1926.1439 - Dedicated pile drivers.

§1926.1440 - Sideboom cranes.

§1926.1441 - Equipment with a rated hoisting/lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less.

§1926.1442 - Severability.

Appendix A to Subpart CC of Part 1926 - Standard Hand Signals

Appendix B to Subpart CC of Part 1926 - Assembly/Disassembly: Sample Procedures for Minimizing the Risk of Unintended Dangerous Boom Movement

Appendix C to Subpart CC of Part 1926 - Operator Certification: Written Examination: Technical Knowledge Criteria

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