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Key Details of THE EVIL EYE
- The evil eye is a curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware.
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Developer’s Description
The evil eye is a curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware. Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury. Talismans created to protect against the evil eye are also frequently called "evil eyes".
There is another concept of "why bad things happen" that probably predates the theory that there is one centralized source of evil. This is, to use a computer anology, a peer-to-peer theory of evil. The evil eye is a widespread belief that unlucky events can ensue if you attract the attention of particular people. These people, sometimes involuntarily, sometimes voluntarily, can cast a malignant spell on others simply by looking at them.
This lavishly illustrated work is the classic study of this superstition. Starting with a mass of anecdotes from contemporary observations in Italy and rural England, Frederick Thomas Elworthy, using all of his skills as a folklorist and etymologist, delves deeper. He gives examples of the belief on a world-wide basis and far back in time, to classical paganism and beyond. He also elaborates all of the methods that have been used to ward off the jettatura, including talismans, spells, spitting, hand gestures and many others.
Included in this Evil Eye app:
Chapter I. Introduction
Chapter II. Sympathetic Magic
Chapter III. Totems, Portents, Tree-Worship
Chapter IV. Symbols and Amulets
Chapter V. The Gorgoneion
Chapter VI. Crescents, Horns, Horseshoes
Appendix I
Appendix II
Chapter VII. Touch, Hands, Gestures
Chapter VIII. The Cross
Chapter IX. The Mano Pantea
Chapter X. The Cimaruta, Sirene, Tablets
Chapter XI. Cabalistic Writing--Magical Formul
Chapter XII. Spitting, Incantation, and Other Protective Acts. Pixies
Appendix III
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