Key Details of Projecture

  • Ensure and enhance the succes of your projects, anytime and anywhere. You are part of an organization where several important projects are being...
  • Last updated on June 18, 2016
  • There have been 1 updates
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    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Projecture
Projecture 0/1

Ensure and enhance the succes of your projects, anytime and anywhere. You are part of an organization where several important projects are being...
Ensure and enhance the succes of your projects, anytime and anywhere. You are part of an organization where several important projects are being performed.The projects are challenging and take a significant part of your organizational resources. Therefore, you want to know exactly how these projects are progressing. You want to know whether the governance and performance of these projects are okay and if not, what should be done to fix this. Of course you will ask these questions to the management of the projects. But you also want to ask these questions to an independent and professional player like, PwC. We will review the projects and provide you with independent and comprehensive insight into the maturity of the governance and the level of performance of your projects and inform on how these can be improved.With the PwC Projecture app, we are able to report out our independent reviews and recommendations in a simple, effective, efficient and secure way. Anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, this Projecture app will enable you to immediately arrange follow-up and call for actions on the findings reported. With Projecture, we can now help you with ensuring the success of your projects even better.To get more information about the app or request a user ID please contact the central Projecture support center at or alternatively contact your local PwC contact.See introduction film at

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