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Key Details of Panecal Scientific Calculator

  • For engineers and students.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 5 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Panecal Scientific Calculator 0/4

Developer’s Description

For engineers and students.


Panecal is a scientific calculator application for technical work such as information engineering, mechanical engineering, dynamics, measurements, and construction, an essential item for engineers and science students.

Panecal scientific calculator can display and correct mathematical formulas. You can use it to check formulas, which enables you to prevent input errors and calculation mistakes. Panecal has functions such as editing and recalculating calculation formulas entered in the past, as well as the capability to use variable memory to only change specific values and do calculations.

A cursor is displayed on the screen, and you can tap the screen or push arrow keys to quickly move to the location you want to edit. Panecal allow you to swipe to scroll through formulas, as well as copying and pasting using long tapping, which makes it a strong and flexible application with an intuitive user interface.


- Move the cursor by tapping and swipe to scroll through the screen

- Copy and paste

- Can select from a history list of formulas calculated in the past, edit them, and recalculate

- Can calculate binary numbers, octal numbers, decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers up to 32 bits, and do radix conversion

- Can use M+/M- memory functions and 6 types (A-F) of variable memory

- Arithmetic operations, inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, power functions, power root functions, factorials, absolute values, and percent calculations

- Can select degrees, radians, or grads for angle units

- Can select from FloatPt (floating decimal mode), Fix (fixed decimal mode), Sci (index mode), and Eng (index is in multiples of 3) for displaying values

- Can set types of decimals and grouping separator settings

- Check key input with orange coloring


Please note in advance that Appsys is not responsible for any damage or lost profits caused by the use of this software, or any claims from third parties.

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Operating System
iOS 16.4
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