The year is 1957 and a fleet of flying saucers from Planet X have come to Earth. These saucers are under the control of the evil Brain Aliens who are abducting helpless human beings and taking them away to strange alien worlds to become slaves of The Giant Brain. Luckily for the human race there exist the Otto Matics, robots who police the galaxy in name of all that is good and decent. You are Otto Matic, the robot who is given the job of saving Earth from the clutches of The Giant Brain from Planet X. You must rescue as many humans as you can while defeating the Brain Aliens and all of their evil followers. Your mission will take you to strange and fantastic alien worlds which are often treacherous and will require Otto to perform amazing feats. Your rocket ship will take you to each of the planets, starting with Earth. While on each planet you must save as many humans as you can, but be careful because the Brain Aliens will try to abduct the humans before you can save them. When you save humans, they are teleported to your rocket ship. To escape the planet you must also collect rocket fuel. Once The Giant Brain has been defeated and peace restored to the galaxy, you will return to Earth with your human cargo where they will be freed. In Otto Matic has 10 levels on strange alien planets. Battle 25 different alien creatures. Attack with 7 different types of space-age weapons Fight off giant radioactive killer vegetables.Ski behind giant metal beasts on a sea of toxic ooze. Ride soap bubbles across noxious lakes of slimy goo. Get shot out of a cannon. Smash alien clowns in hovercraft bumper-cars. Drink radioactive potions to grow to 50ft tall. Ride a zip-line to escape mutant radioactive robots. Pilot a flying saucer and lay waste to an alien fortress.
This review was originally posted on<br />When running the game under OS X, game controllers do not work. Only the keyboard is available. This is not stated in any documentation though.
This review was originally posted on<br />Be aware that version 2.0 detects security software and will not run if you value your privacy.<p>
I didn't know why 2.0 kept crashing and I emailed the author.<p>
He stated that if I have Little Snitch installed the program will not run.<p>
If the program cannot back-door send your private information to the company, it will not work.<p>
Obviously there is no way to limit the information that it can send. It's all or nothing.<p>
You can defeat it by turning off your airport, or unplugging you NIC, then going into the control panel and disabling Little Snitch before running the game, then the game will work.<p>
We all know how unethical it is for a company to send your private data over the wire without you knowing about it.<p>
The FBI nailed Microsoft for this back when XP went beta, yet these smaller companies think they can get away with it.<p>
There's nothing wrong with email validation, or other means, like asking the user for permission, but when it's just done without your permission, it's unethical.<p>
And who is in control of what they are taking from your computer? Not you!<p>
Here's a clip from the email response I received from the author, and keep in mind that he said most of their software now does this;<p>
On 10/24/04 7:38 PM, "Brian Greenstone" wrote:<p>
> You probably have a utility called "Little Snitch" installed. Most of <p>
> our games are not compatible with that utility. Turn Little Snitch off <p>
> and the game will run fine.<p>
Fun Game!
This review was originally posted on<br />I get way too stressed with realistic shoot 'em up games; but this one is F-U-N!! Even though the aliens etc are after you, its so much fun to see what they're gonna look like next (the vegetables really got me) that I enjoy playing it. And I'm not a game player! Well done and thanks!
Seems to run well, although once in a while if I've left something open on the desktop, when I quit the game the window will be somewhere else on the desktop. No biggie, I close other stuff now or put them in the dock. One time playing it Otto was very sluggish in responding to controls, but it only happened twice during one game. Normally, its great, & I always get a kick out of it. Also, not being a game player, I appreciate the fact that you don't need to remember a ton of prompts; its simple & straightforward.
This review was originally posted on<br />superb!! what more can i say besides thank you Pangea (again!)
This review was originally posted on<br />Man, this game is FANTASTIC looking with a Radoen 8500 with all the candy turned on!
This review was originally posted on<br />Nicely done, and it works fine in 9 or X.
This review was originally posted on<br />Fun game with a sense of humor. Finishing the demo wasn't terribly challenging, but it *is* a demo. I am interested enough to buy the
This review was originally posted on<br />Fun game with a sense of humor. Finishing the demo wasn't terribly challenging, but it *is* a demo. I am interested enough to buy the
D Templeton
This review was originally posted on<br />Runs great on OS10.1/G4. Can't say on 9.1. Have to give pangea credit for their long term mac support and early OSX adoption. They do
This review was originally posted on<br />This game is great! My kids (6 and 3) love it! The music is excellent, good graphics, great graphics. I tried it on my G4