Night Earth for Android
- By Jose Gmez
- Paid
- User Rating
Key Details of Night Earth
- The night Earth map shows the lights that are visible at night on the surface of Earth. This allows...
- Last updated on October 30, 2019
- There have been 1 updates
- Also available on
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer's Description
The night Earth map shows the lights that are visible at night on the surface of Earth. This allows:
Observation of human-generated lights from space and light pollution caused
Location of the spots with less light pollution, for better observation of the stars
Real-time representation of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis (Northern and Southern Lights), along the representation of where in the world is currently at day or night
Real-time cloud coverage, to check where is it currently possible to observe the stars or the Aurora
Night photography (only in the website, coming soon to the app)
The brightest areas of the Earth are the most urbanized, but not necessarily the most populated.
Two versions of the night images are available, captured by NASA in 2000 and 2012. These detailed maps account for 437.495 images in total, as described in the Night Earth website (
Watch the Earth at night from space
Zoom in as much as you want so as to see more detail
Search any location, or tell the application to focus on your current location
Switch to the day images and compare between the day and night images
Compare the night images captured in 2000 and 2012
Labelled night map, to better identify countries and cities
Track in real time in which parts of the world is day or night
Real-time visualisation of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis (Northern Lights and Southern Lights)
Cloud coverage
Support for devices running Android 2.2 onwards and Android TV
Visualisation of pictures uploaded to
(new) 3D view and VR support
Additional features are coming soon
Cities tend to grow along coastlines and transportation networks. The United States interstate highway system appears as a lattice connecting the brighter dots of city centers. In Russia, the Trans-Siberian railroad is a thin line stretching from Moscow through the center of Asia to Vladivostok. The Nile River, from the Aswan Dam to the Mediterranean Sea, is another bright thread through an otherwise dark region.
Some regions remain thinly populated and unlit. Antarctica is entirely dark. The interior jungles of Africa and South America are mostly dark. Deserts in Africa, Arabia, Australia, Mongolia, and the United States are poorly lit as well (except along the coast and rivers), along with the boreal forests of Canada and Russia, and the great mountains of the Himalaya.
This is the ad-free version of the application. For the free, ad-supported version, you can refer to our separate "Night Earth free" app ( Thanks for the support.
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Night Earth for Android
- By Jose Gmez
- Paid
- User Rating
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